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  • Well as I check the forums I see we have an update that is fixing a few of the issues I said a lot of players have. I don't mind stating issues to the glu team, but I also will be the first person to congratulate them on a job well done. Thank you for the forward progress, I'm sure many others will appreciate it as well.
  • Atleast someone else gets it. I won't gamble on spinning a wheel with hidden odds. I don't attack glû, but I will use what they say against them.
  • It would cost over $90 just to max out the bag space by buying gems. You can get full games for ps3/xbox for $60. $90 dollars just for space in a bag, in a game? That's a slap in the face to everyone who plays this game. Now if they had a way to earn gems in game like EW2, that would be different. However, they don't and…
  • You mean gamble right? Pay to spin a wheel for a chance at something? No, I refuse to gamble on a cell phone game. Atleast on roulette you know the probability, here who knows what these guys have the chances set at.
  • In my first post I asked a simple question based on a glû team members statement. I asked glûadmins role because I was curious if he is actually connected or a volunteer. I know you can't change anything, that's been clear for a long time. I think a lot of us agree, this game was at it's best in it's first 3 months. Unique…
  • I've played since January and have never seen that. What's your gs?
  • They say a sale is an update only as a means to justify that they can't meet deadlines that they estimate for themselves. Glûadmin, do you even work in the same building as the devs, or receive pay for your "work"?
  • I'm glad we all agree that monk got shafted. Roll can't even auto activate lol they drew the short stick in every aspect of the defensive skill.
  • Farm orbs while the warrior can parry every attack or get froze by the mage? He does have to get basically on top of them compared to the other twos basic weapon range.
  • Thanks for the heads up, and he said an issue arose during testing, so maybe the tourney has to do with the new maps?
  • They said last week we would get the new stage this week, maybe that's what's going on?
    in April fools Comment by Watty April 2014
  • I think y'all do a good job, but a response would be appreciated. I'm not gonna quit the game, I just would like an answer.
  • Did you miss the question mark in the first paragraph? I was explaining what I was asking about first. Do you feel better now that you tried to police a post on a forum? Cheers bud.
  • Yes, everytime I get hit by that lazer, I'm glued to the ground and die.
  • The eye was in heros road on normal mode.
  • Wow haha thank you
  • Skyyyyy haha Last question, adding a lightning rune to a sword, would that decrease the amount of dmg to nian? Or just keep the dmg at it's base.
  • Is the small cost gold or gems??

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