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  • For normal game play yes. I have completed everything in the normal game so there is really no to play ew2 except for PvP. I get enough gems from the tournament that it is almost not worth my time even farming anymore. Since PvP performance has been terrible for me lately i am about to give up on it anyways. Ever since…
  • Im really liking EW3. It takes a little getting used to but i think it will be a great step up from 2. I really like the Mage and Monk characters as well as all the skills that each character has.
  • I ended up in the 20s as well. I only really played the last day of tournament so not bad.
  • 4hrs left and i'm in 4th tied with Benz who is 3rd. I wonder what would happen if there was a tie for first? Im trying to get one more match in before bed to hopefully grab 2nd place but not many people playing at the moment.
  • yeah it looks as if they kicked some hackers although the guy #1 slot right now is a hacker. I played him the other day and he is definitly hacking.
  • Another hacker is owning the 1st spot. He is using grim sickles that are way overpowered. So frustrating that glu will not get rid these hackers.
  • I was just above you. I had a nice streak going with about 4 hrs left and got to 1799. Then I play a hacker Taibull who crushed me twice. Then lost to you Kami And got Sent down to under 1500. Then I battled back finally with about 2 hrs left and had a 4 streak to end at 1715. The amount of hackers is getting out of hand.…
  • I've noticed the streaks really don't matter since a simple restore will put you at the last streak you had. I discovered this when I restored to iCloud. It takes you back to whatever streak you saved to it. Tested it with I-funbox as well. So if one chose to they could restore to highest streak. if they win they can save…
  • another one. didnt get him in the picture but here is his name. Uses pharaoh armor and green double axes. I got him one round so he can be beat. The guy I posted above you cannot damage at all.
  • Hacker alert!
  • Not sure where I ended up. My reward was 3400 gems. I headed to bed with 4 hrs left. I was 2nd with only the Scorching axe hacker ahead of me so I knew I wouldn't catch him. Although I almost won a round against him the other day. He is not skilled at all. I keep rolling and hit him with 4 ground smashes. He had about %20…
  • yeah i beat that guy with flags on each side a few times. I got to 4th but i think the 3 above me could have all be hackers so I just stopped playing. And yes it is frustrating playing on China servers. I do have a few suggestions for that. If the tournament pulled from all 4 servers but it rotated where they are hosted.…
  • I ran into the same hacker you did with the pharaoh armor and severing axe. killed me with a couple hits.
  • Done playing for now. So much lag happening. Guys are freezing then next think I know I'm flying across the sceen from a ground smash. This has happened in like the last 10 games played. Even when I role to get away the hits are still registering. Just to delayed to play like this. I will only play at night from now on.…
  • what do you have on you breaker to do that? All attack?
  • Yeah we have had some good battles :)) It is hard playing on the Europe servers when we play each other since I am in the states. I have been getting lag and have to aim slightly ahead of where I think you are headed. sometimes it is better that other but can be frustrating. I have noticed if you move between the different…
  • I too think it is strange that I didn't lol up to 75. I have been level 70 for like 6 months if not longer. I was lol 70 a few weeks after they raised it up to 70. I have played a ton since then and still on 70.
  • Go into options and turn on "Weaker Equipment Display"
  • It's a great idea to get more gems for sure.
  • I already knew you could do this. It only works with multiplayer for me. You made this sound like there was something you could do in the board itself. lol
  • I have breaker(4708) and general spear(5327) fully upgraded. The general spear is better. Over 600 more damage makes a difference.
  • I am also fully upgraded an beat boss 4 easily. I don't know how to do what you are talking about. I can beat boss rush 1-3 without getting hit at all and get no extra bonuses. I guess I'm missing something.
  • Wyrm is better than pharaoh. Don't waste upgrading pharaoh. Go wrym or general. With full upgraded wrym armor the only board that even hurts me is boss4. Black dragon does no damage whatsoever.

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