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  • No, honestly, @jalapenocubbies, I'm glad you aren't spending. I hope others follow suit. If it matters, your reasoning for not spending is spot-on. 
  • This place has turned into an AA meeting. 
  • It can be hard to get a handle on where he's coming from. 
  • Exactly. They control the car sales lot as well as every gas station. You're paying, one way or another. I've got Ohtani up to S5 now. Should be able to start on Arenado right about the time he isn't one of the best in the game anymore. 
  • I don't think this theory is far off the truth. In this case, consider "f2p" one bucket, and "paying" another bucket. Those buckets represent groups of users, and they could be segmented out in whatever fashion the game decides. The odds they're required to post speak to a global population, but they can achieve the…
  • Yeah, @2020KC I'm already facing the steepest part of the Ohtani-to-S10 mountain. We're retaining our rights to Arenado and just letting him play in independent leagues for a few months while I save to level him. 
  • At least you can beat walk-off, @JEDDDOGGY. I put 40g into 5.9 and lost in two pitches. WARM-UP. It doesn't even pay out anything, I just want to win for once. I'm nowhere close to where you guys are, but my team is pretty solid, considering I haven't spent anything. I wouldn't think it'd take substantially more than I…
  • I felt I was getting more players than I'm used to, but this weekend, I got Ohtani right away, then Ruiz, but after that, I ran the counter pretty close to the top, then got Fowler like 7 times. Seems rough seas are ahead for me. To that end, I agree w/ @sullipa8 in that I always seem to get certain things in batches.…
    in Bonus players Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • Today, as in...5-24-21, right? 
  • It's not even Memorial Day. They have a product people want (pxp). They'll make it available. 
  • 5 (odds are out of 1000)
  • Yeah but he's gonna cost 10k vibranium xp and leveling him will cost bitcoin. 
  • Mine is "holy effing sh1t, I cannot imagine spending $80,000 on a game -- at least one that doesn't give me a chance to win it, and then some, back." 
  • One thing that gets overlooked in this conversation is people said the same stuff three years ago. Without hard data and knowing the financial goals Glu has set, I have no idea whether these strategies are working or they aren't. Logically, they wouldn't have spent to make the enhancements they have (and there are been…
  • You're making my big win seem far less fun, @JEDDDOGGY @CanadaCubs. I was thinking it was just Glu's way of joining the AAPI woke train. Seems they're sending a different message making me incapable of getting him above B3 (he's 3-19 with 1 double so far 😕).
  • Am I able to level him there?
  • YESSSSIRRRR!!!!!! Now...leveling him...🤔🤔
  • Mike Honcho is back in the lineup!! 👊
  • I was in the process of starting a thread on this because I wasn't sure if I just didn't notice it before. It'd be nice to be able to bank some ahead of time in order to make more reasoned decisions on leveling players but that wouldn't doesn't fit Glu's Modus Operandi. 
  • https://youtu.be/wX1x7pfH8fw "only WHO can prevent forest fires? You selected "you," referring to me...the correct answer is YOU..."
  • You also need to factor in that not everyone playing the game weighs in the way we are here. There very well could be a silent majority who think the game is fine, and spend to their addicted mind's content. And "lip service" works with what you initially said. "Lipstick on a pig" also works but in a different way. 
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • (Tapping nose and pointing at @dkarski87) For the record, I'm not aiming to insult anyone selected for the council. I'm just adding some thought in an effort to deflate the idea it's some kind of action-taking advisory board (and being a light-hearted smarta$$). There are very smart people here who are dedicated to the…
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • The NEW direction of Council selection has been determined...
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • Which part? Clearly, those involved spent a lot on the game. I feel it's good PR to give those spenders something extra. I don't think a group put together under those pretenses should be seen as governing bodies of the game. 
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • Yeah, but they have to pass the hat around to get anything major accomplished. Here, passing the hat around means people are paying the game while still complaining about it. Texas and Florida State wouldn't go through a head coach every two years if donors weren't paying their buyouts. Ultimately, it's not a perfect…
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • That was my point (with exaggeration for effect and humor). Their way of sending complaints down a bottomless pit of IDGAF. Well-played, Glu, you sonsabiches...I shall continue to blame @DFBB. 
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021
  • Not sure why the council thing is brought up as often as it is. Does the platinum donors club at the University of Alabama report back to the big fan web site to go over the game strategies they wanted incorporated? No, they probably had a weekend of booze and swag, got to talk to the AD, maybe the head coach, who gave…
    in Cooldown? Comment by Cooz19 May 2021

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