
Can't glaze food in Chef Arena

This happened twice so far -I start playing a duel (via the regular duel section) in Chef Arena and I simply can't glaze food. The recipe requires glazing, the glazing station is not frozen, the previous steps were made and yet the glazing station doesn't react in any way, I simply can't used it. The first time I thought it was a momentary glitch - annoying because not only was a duel token wasted but of course I lost the duel and therefore 12 points.

However just now it happened again, so I wasted another token and will probably lose another 10 or 12 points in the duel. This is very unpleasant.

Is this a glitch others experience as well and if so will it be fixed?


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    TaylorMade0683TaylorMade0683 Registered Users 33 Posts
    I have the same issue as well ! Making me lose! Can't souvie witbier the machine isn't available in chef duals really sucks considering we have to wait for tokens to play ... It drive me crazy it's a game we all put a lot of $ sometimes and should be able to play when we want as well...
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    jt4703jt4703 Registered Users 40 Posts
    Had this happen in a chef duel today. Everything required the water bath and the cover was on it so of course all I could do was sit there and let them get mad and leave earning no points. The Chef Arena location has caused me to lose rank in duels and miss out on daily goals ever since I opened it. I've love to close it so it will stop impacting my progress in other parts of the game.
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    jt4703jt4703 Registered Users 40 Posts
    I figured out the issue with the chef arena this week. The AREA Chef Arena has half the stations closed for the first few levels but you can't actually play IN the Arena area until you have a high enough rating from Chef Duels. You can't get a high enough rating when the Chef Duels put you in the Chef Arena location when you haven't been able to play anything to unlock all of the stations. Please remove the Chef Arena as a possible dueling spot at least until you've had a chance to open all of the stations for that week.
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    cH4rF1r3cH4rF1r3 Registered Users 12 Posts
    You gotta unlock those stations by defeating up to 5 of the bosses on the boss list, up until you unlock the wishelin star by defeating the wishelin star inspector, until then, if someone challenges you to a chef duel in Chef Arena, all you can do is ignore it and forfeit, losing 3 points is much better than losing more.
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