
Wishelin uniforms

The outfits claim to attract certain customers
Well,out of over25,000 plays it has yet to do so.
Am I missing something?


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    TaylorMade0683TaylorMade0683 Registered Users 33 Posts
    Their message of "attracts X VIP" is misleading I have all outfits when you purchase them you get 2x that boost doesn't "attract" anything :/
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    vivaceltvivacelt Registered Users 21 Posts
    Can you clarify what you mean when you say that you get 2x the boost? Thanks!
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    LockisbettaLockisbetta Registered Users 74 Posts
    Wishelin outfits look fancy but they don't do anything besides giving you another wishelin star.

    The "attracts certain customers" you're talking about is describing the VIP dish reward. For example, obtaining the BBB Wishelin Set will reward you with 1 Big Laguna Burger.
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