
Bugs getting worse - is it just me

Dear all,

I know I won't get any help from customer service and I'm past the stage where I expect the developers to attend to game problems, but as so many new bugs crept up, I just wanted to ask if I'm the only one with these problems:

1. The game keeps sending error messages, my tablet tells me it had to shut the game down several times a day. It even told me that it was my buggiest app. This started with the social network features.

2. Last week, when the game either crashed or froze and was basically unplayable, I uninstalled and the reinstalled it. All my duel stats were gone, I went from well over 2500 duels in total stats to 0 and down from 1260something to 1000. Customer service first told me that weekly stats reset every week (so apparently they didn't read my message thoroughly) and upon my second message told me that this was what happened when one uninstalled and reinstalled. Why do I have a Facebook account connected with the game then and what am I supposed to do if the game crashes and freezes? (At least this way I got rid of the unfulfilled duels after three months...)

3. Biggest annoyance: I build up a good group of friends in the social feature. Last night, they were *all* gone. Sure, some might have removed me from their list, but all of them within 90 minutes? This morning, my friends list was full with people I never accepted, all of them with 0 group goals, 0 duels - bots? When I remove them, new ones show up in my friends list - without my having requested or approved them. I got to enjoy the social feature after initial reservations, but this takes the fun out if it.

I really like this game, I would enjoy playing it, but it seems as if it becomes buggier all the time. I play several games and none if them is buggy at all (I gladly put some money into them - never into Ramsay Dash due to the bugs) so what's going wrong here?


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    Vivian29Vivian29 Registered Users 35 Posts
    4. I wasn't sure, but I just tested it: when I challenge someone to a duel, the entry disappears after a while - I don't get the three points if the duel is forfeited, I don't get a result if it is played, it just disappears as if I never did the duel.
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    SupremeFettucineSupremeFettucine Registered Users 443 Posts
    I'm not experiencing the same bugs that you are but I am encountering WAY more bugs than ever before since the addition of the social hub feature.

    As of the last 2 days, whenever I enter the Social Hub, the game constantly tells me to check my signal strength, which is fine, btw. Any Group Goals I join disappear within seconds, displaying the same Check Signal Strength message.

    And now, when I try to start a duel with one of my 20 friends, I get a Check System Strength message (and one of them now suddenly, ominously, just says "X cannot be challenged at this time") yet I can have a random chef duel, reduel a former opponent from my past duel list, or have a boss duel in the arena without any problem. Basically, everything outside of the social area is working as it used to.

    When the Group Goals WERE available to me, only some of them worked successfully. I would accept one and click it repeatedly until the banner appeared on my world map but even that didn't ensure that my compliance would be counted by the game! I apologize to any friends whose Goals I appeared to fail out on -- I did complete them (several times over each) but the system didn't acknowledge my activity. Complete X number of chef duels or X number of prep dishes seem to be particular culprits, although I've had trouble with others randomly at different times.

    I now often have to quit and relaunch for things (duel status, friend messages, group goal status when they even work!!) to refresh whereas, before, the game would refresh on its own (albeit faultily -- the erratic, incorrect/out-of-sync messages about special events starting, ending, being active are very frustrating but I've experienced them since the beginning).

    I've submitted multiple support tickets. Received numerous apologies and a small amount of gold in compensation -- but the bugs are multiplying like Tribbles!!

    Get it together, Glu!

    - SuFe718
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    SupremeFettucineSupremeFettucine Registered Users 443 Posts
    And now a group goal I joined 3 hours ago, which had disappeared, has popped up on my map as banner showing it's active. So odd.

    - SuFe718
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    BunnyRanchBunnyRanch Registered Users 67 Posts
    I also do not get these particular bugs but get so many others (most already mentioned in the other threads here) it's ridiculous.

    Many of them probably have to do with bad design and availability problems ("Check connection") on the server side. The goals usually do not "take" on the first try but I learned that it usually works if the goal banner is shown in the bottom center on the map. If it doesn't then I go back to the goal and click Go to make sure it does.

    Today, however, I encountered something new. I completed 4 Super Gordon goal and started booster goal. At some point I got a message that there are 15 min left on Super Gordon goal. Errr... Checked to make sure - yes, booster goal was active. Later on, completed it and got a message Super Gordon goal expired. No idea what was that about.

    i wish the bugs were limited to new Social part but I'm also getting old duels not going away, duels saying I got challenged but then at the end it behaves as if I was first. Not to mention dishes not speeding up and gold not registerin after videos.
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    Vivian29Vivian29 Registered Users 35 Posts
    Hmm, interesting, there seems to be a wide variety of bugs. I do get the "check connection" one as well, forgot to list it in my first post - simply too many bugs to remember. With all the other games I play/played, there are *never* any bugs at all. Here, so many. Strange and very annoying.
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