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  • too nice,i play this game not even spend any real money but only time,2 accounts got reset today,i finally wont waste any time on this game now~
  • i login and check many times and nothing new, so will glu give up pc user for only phone mobile player?
    in Region 20 Comment by a3300552 June 2015
  • FB player still no new update?
    in Region 20 Comment by a3300552 June 2015
  • i am going to used up plateium and no free plateium to get,glu dont give us enough plateium for hunt...........
  • what 3 region we play?and what 3 weapon we use?
  • my plateium always keep not over 100, you guys really didnt use gold upgrate plateium? all hunt i done except hide region 5+region 6 rare hunt not finish, i am worried about no plateium to upgrate 7 bows+3 guns...............
  • if oto over 200 gold on fb,i wont buy.
    in Region 19 Comment by a3300552 May 2015
  • i hope glu make event gun range more good,range x1.5 is suck a lot,should make range at least x4.and that event gun will have good worth to buy for finish event and do good at normal cintract hunt.
  • agree,but so many rare hunt key supply i got and i dont use much and about 6x,so if glu decide give up rare hunts,whats the pont have that supply???
  • if u are FB player if u have old cache,try find another comp download new chche for elite series, dont clear ur old cache, or if u clear old cache for new elite,r 17 r18 will mess up so use another comp play elite series and use old cache play r17 r18
  • i will use normal semi-auto rifle to finish this event, it is too hard for play!!! animal run so fast and ur buillet too slow for shot.....
  • new thing change,new event on old region.not in R10.
  • why play on facebook should the data deserved be reseted? it is redicilous. you use onedrive to put data on web storge,once ur one drive or system reinstall,data still on web onedrive. why the glu game cant do like google microsoft etc........
  • i also angry as that. i just new buy exotic and dont even use it and be reseted. i finally decide not spend too much real money on this game .
  • i lost all recoreds and new buy exotic weapon. how did glu so **** didnt protect his customer's data and just reset his everything? my money is gone dident even try new buy exotic and all data recored be deleted accidently. Why glu dont try to be good software company like microsoft or google etc.....protect his customer's…
  • i know some weapon like R9 sky hammer is good,but they seems same type weapon not worth me to buy~ R6 R7 some extoic weapon seems same type and i dont think i should buy. R7 another not bow weapon is just power as R9 night slicer, really dont like it. so lower exotic not all good for now major region, R1 rocket is not…

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