
Thank you, glu!!!!! And Thank you, Mugen, AMG, GT3, BigPoppa, SLAUGHTER, Hahahah

BladeMasterBladeMaster Registered Users 26 Posts

Well done GLU, excellent choice! Thank you for ruining the buggy game.

And thank you, the guys in my hunting list. i_f25.png?t=20140803(this is a classic emotion of our forum)
"Thank you" for the cheaters.
"Thank you" for picking my noob/weak mates, make me stronger and stronger.
"Thank you" for killing respawning.

"Thank you" for using the guard bug.

"Thank you" for running around all the time.
"Thank you" for all dirty tricks.
"Thank you" for your cooperation make my hunting videos splendid. Without you I can't record such splendid videos. "Thank you very much!"

You are the "BEST" players!!!!i_f25.png?t=20140803

Finally, thanks for the players I respect, you provided me awesome battles and videos. Thank you!!!
It's sad to say goodbye, glu tell me a deadline. I'm satisfied in this game, I have videos and GIF to recollect.



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    ChairmanChairman Registered Users 6 Posts
    Sad to see a great game vanish into the sunset. Latter days of the game was dominated by too many hacks ... crazy, but it is what it is as Glu was out of it. Hats off to some great non-hack players of years gone by ... CMH3, Sapper, Godfather, etc.

    But the greatest non-hack player of all time goes to yours truly ... Mas

    Multiplayer matches played 20398
    Multiplayer matches won 17675
    Multiplayer total kills 102530
    Multiplayer total deaths 21684
    Multiplayer kills per match 5
    Multiplayer deaths per match 1
    Total influence points earned 137229

    The bulk of the above was earned on Recover the Charge ... only after RTC started to wane, did I switch to Team Death Match ... a slightly different world ... not the full on smackdown like RTC, but more of a cat & mouse game that took a bit of time to get used to. Doesn't include months of just sitting the game out after the 100K threshold was passed.

    Kill you later,
    - Mas
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    BigJPEBigJPE Registered Users 2 Posts
    Chairman wrote: »
    But the greatest non-hack player of all time goes to yours truly ... Mas

    Multiplayer matches played 20398
    Multiplayer matches won 17675
    Multiplayer total kills 102530
    Multiplayer total deaths 21684
    Multiplayer kills per match 5
    Multiplayer deaths per match 1
    Total influence points earned 137229

    The bulk of the above was earned on Recover the Charge ... only after RTC started to wane, did I switch to Team Death Match ... a slightly different world ... not the full on smackdown like RTC, but more of a cat & mouse game that took a bit of time to get used to. Doesn't include months of just sitting the game out after the 100K threshold was passed.

    Kill you later,
    - Mas

    LOL...You are Chairman of running and shooting back dependant on 1/2 of rounds not counting, and you called it...always playing the "mouse". I will not miss you jokers self-determining your greatness by obliterating noobs...what a Grrrreat joke!

    I played probably half as long as you, but my stats are almost double, except for kills per game because I never use to quit like you weak hearted players who are more impressed with your fictional success, than actual skill and tactics against good players.

    It was a good game, but players like you ruined it discouraging new players and ultimately running of new business for the game....be proud.

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    ChairmanChairman Registered Users 6 Posts
    Hey BigJPE ... all your bluster, but I recall that you always seemed to "die well".

    Kill you later,
    - Mas
  • Options
    BladeMasterBladeMaster Registered Users 26 Posts
    BigJPE wrote: »
    LOL...You are Chairman of running and shooting back dependant on 1/2 of rounds not counting, and you called it...always playing the "mouse". I will not miss you jokers self-determining your greatness by obliterating noobs...what a Grrrreat joke!

    I played probably half as long as you, but my stats are almost double, except for kills per game because I never use to quit like you weak hearted players who are more impressed with your fictional success, than actual skill and tactics against good players.

    It was a good game, but players like you ruined it discouraging new players and ultimately running of new business for the game....be proud.


    Oh,it's good to see you here, buddy.
    You are the one of non-quitters and non-weak pickers I ever met.
    Unlike somebody else
    Somebody was so desired to win so went to my mate with double damage, but unfortunately, killed by the noob, "die well"?

    In my memory, somebody was "picker" indeed, but not a quitter. Better than someone like BigPoppa ...

    And I just wanna know what's "U die well" mean, is that a provoke?
  • Options
    BladeMasterBladeMaster Registered Users 26 Posts
    Chairman wrote: »
    Sad to see a great game vanish into the sunset. Latter days of the game was dominated by too many hacks ... crazy, but it is what it is as Glu was out of it. Hats off to some great non-hack players of years gone by ... CMH3, Sapper, Godfather, etc.

    But the greatest non-hack player of all time goes to yours truly ... Mas

    Multiplayer matches played 20398
    Multiplayer matches won 17675
    Multiplayer total kills 102530
    Multiplayer total deaths 21684
    Multiplayer kills per match 5
    Multiplayer deaths per match 1
    Total influence points earned 137229

    The bulk of the above was earned on Recover the Charge ... only after RTC started to wane, did I switch to Team Death Match ... a slightly different world ... not the full on smackdown like RTC, but more of a cat & mouse game that took a bit of time to get used to. Doesn't include months of just sitting the game out after the 100K threshold was passed.

    Kill you later,
    - Mas

    People who say themselves are the best, I don't like their conceit.

    Somebody says he is the BEST, I just smile in silence. What if the BEST VS BEST, who would win? Funny question.
    Another question is, I beat those "BEST" players(see the videos below), so am I the best? No, I never never never dare say that.
    A Chinese phrase said that "There are moutains higher than you ever seen", means there always are players stronger than you.
    You beat me this time, fine! I improve myself to beat you next time. That's the right way to play all games without dirty tricks.



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    ChairmanChairman Registered Users 6 Posts
    Oh,it's good to see you here, buddy.
    You are the one of non-quitters and non-weak pickers I ever met.
    Unlike somebody else
    Somebody was so desired to win so went to my mate with double damage, but unfortunately, killed by the noob, "die well"?

    In my memory, somebody was "picker" indeed, but not a quitter. Better than someone like BigPoppa ...

    And I just wanna know what's "U die well" mean, is that a provoke?

    Hey Uncle ... awesome video! Thanks for posting. Loved the game ... too bad there's no good alternative to start playing. Miss the kills! You played great! Yeah ... u die well ... kind of a provoke. Lol!

    Kill u later,
  • Options
    BigJPEBigJPE Registered Users 2 Posts
    Thanks Bro! It was good to get to know you a bit in the end...thank you for the extra time you have taken to expose the "best" :-p
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    game_indestructiblegame_indestructible Registered Users, Member 13 Posts
    Type your commentHello everyone, I was able to revive the game, write to me in telegram or Google mail
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