
What happened to this game?

SkorpionSkorpion Registered Users 10 Posts
Hi all.
Just returning to this forum over 1 year ago (I guess) and still dont see any uptdates coming up for this game. I stoped playing this game just for a "while", waiting (hoping) an update to come, maybe with new cars and maps. Because the game became so boring.
When I played the game, my main goal... well my second goal (first was having fun of course) was to be in the Frenzy's top players list. Why? Just to feel happy when looking at my name on that list, showing up all the hard work I had to put on it to be a good player (at least I think that hahaha :P)
Now it does not make sense to be on it (I think) because it seems like the game had already died :(.
Ive had the opportunity to play with Frenzy and Dapper once (I dont know if they remember me) but I really appreciate the time they spent to have fun with all of us (not just me).
Also I could play with Rudy when looking for a match in multiplayer auto-match. I remember I beat him with my demolisher against his demolisher in Recover the Charge on the Island Map, both of our teammates left the game so it ended being a 1v1 match (me vs top 1 player, lol) I remember this just because that was the highest attachment I got in the game (in my oppinion). At the end of the match he called me "Coward", so I recognized that I used to run away from him in that match as an strategy.
Even though I only have 11k influency points (didnt play this game as much as most of you did) but I still consider me a good player, not the best of the best, but a good player for sure.

Im making this thread just to share some game experiences Ive had, and also to know if any of you guys continue playing this game, so we can kick some butts (I may be a little rusty since I dont play this game over 1 year ago) but still count.
If not, heres one game Im actually playing:
Its name is "Heroes of Order & Chaos" developed by Gameloft. Its a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre game.
If you do like this kind of game then maybe we can play one day there.
There also are guilds and stuff like that, so we can play together as a "clan".

My ID on Indestructible was (is) the same as here: "Skorpion"
(Without quotes)

My GC: "[FEAR]+_+Sabertooth+_+"
(Without quotes)

My ID on HOC (Heroes of Order & Chaos): "fear_x"
(Again without quotes)

Btw Im Spanish so you may find some (if not a lot) mistakes in this long text ;).
Hope we can meet again.
Have a nice day.


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    Mas_Mas_ Registered Users 54 Posts
    Hey Skorpion,
    Very nice post. I recall playing with and against you many times ... You were quite good. I play under the name Mas, although there are others now with the same name. Gamecenter Ralph007. There are still some very good players out there ... Godfather, Sapper, etc. When I started playing the game, some of the toughest were Soy and CM1. I was thrilled to see they were a partner as it almost guaranteed a win. But they likely disappeared as their gaming device broke as Glu has provided no way for cloud based backup ... Only to a local device. Come on back and play as there is a crop of "newer" players who make it somewhat challenging like Reaper, Hahaha, etc. Take care!
    Kill u later,
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    SkorpionSkorpion Registered Users 10 Posts
    Mas_ wrote: »
    Hey Skorpion,
    Very nice post. I recall playing with and against you many times ... You were quite good. I play under the name Mas, although there are others now with the same name. Gamecenter Ralph007. There are still some very good players out there ... Godfather, Sapper, etc. When I started playing the game, some of the toughest were Soy and CM1. I was thrilled to see they were a partner as it almost guaranteed a win. But they likely disappeared as their gaming device broke as Glu has provided no way for cloud based backup ... Only to a local device. Come on back and play as there is a crop of "newer" players who make it somewhat challenging like Reaper, Hahaha, etc. Take care!
    Kill u later,

    Thought there werent good players, I thought all gone. Its good to hear that some of them still play this great game (would be better if Glu update it). I already accepted your GC friend request I'm on now so we can play if you want ;).
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    1DOOMRIDER1DOOMRIDER Registered Users 24 Posts
    Hi guys doomrider here. I know you guys do not remember me anymore but i stopped playing indestructible because the game deleted my stats and glu coins and stuff. So once in a while i'll look at the commens you make. It was my favorite game till everything has gone):
    I dont think that glu wan't to make an update because there making new games (even better then this one can you believe that!) so i personaly think that glu sucks with this kind of stuff (and this is my opinion so) like you skorpion i really liked to play this game and i am not a noob so maaaaayyybee im going to download it again so that i can beat you ^_^
    (sorry for bad english grammar)
    See you guys later piece out
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    HoldUpHoldUp Registered Users 19 Posts
    I'm looking for good players
    Gc name: HoldUp'
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    game_indestructiblegame_indestructible Registered Users, Member 13 Posts
    Hello everyone, the game has been revived, the servers are working, but there are no people who want to play (

    write to me in telegram or google mail
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