
IPad tech help?

Hi. Stoopid guestion, I know. But........how do you bring up the little info box in your game, that gives you the Build Tag and Account ID ? It's popped up a number of times before, but now I can't figure out how to see it. I'm backing up everything before I start messing around.

Next prob might be - my old ipad had an apple id, and when I was setting up game center, I couldn't log in to my apple id, so it asked if I wanted to make one. I said sure. So, my game center ID is one Apple ID, but the Ipad and cloud want to use my orig AID. But the old ipad will be reset to factory, and I want to set up my new ipad with the orig id, and play the game in my current game id, resources, clothes, cash and my beloved pets. No cars, pets. ;)

And thank you so much for everyone's help here This is the only game I have ever played so it's all new to me. And I'm not tech smaht either. Should I call Apple about the multiple ID situation. Or, should I set the new ipad with the AppleID I set up for my Game Center? Hey, will the genius bar do this stuff for me?
If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
I Am NOT a Glu Employee
🌟If you want my attention please send a dm


  • Options
    OoshOosh Registered Users 23 Posts
    There should be the options button in the top left or something, it should have tons of info there.

    If you followed my advice in your previous post, you should be able to transfer your game data to your new iPad. After you have done that, you should be able to do whatever you want with your old iPad.

    Usually Game Center IDs are Apple IDs unless they changed that. But if you are really unsure, do research online first and then ask Apple for help.
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