
Missing Contacts

ChrisaLChrisaL Registered Users 15 Posts
Hey guys,

I opened the game last night and it told me that I'm not logged in at Facebook and some of my contacts are lost! The thing is that I don't have FB, never had, never will! I have only added friends through the Game Center 75 of them to be exact and not even the half are showing anymore! What do you sujest?


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Gee, I'm sorry this is happening. Don't worry, my games aren't logged into FB either. So yesterday you had 75 GC contacts showing up on your phone, and today half are missing? I'm just thinking out loud, but have you gone up to GC and see what your list looks like there? I would look for a contact that is missing from your phone, and see what there status is on GC. Under the contact info on the list you'll see "Kim Kardashian Hollywood 18 minutes ago" or "***** of Fire" 27 hours ago. Or, it will show us they are missing on GC as well.
    And this isn't preventing you from playing, so if you want to keep going in the weekend event and check this out after that's fine too. But Game Center is the first thing I'd look at. :)

    Incorrectly starred out word, was taken from the old JerryLee Lewis song Great B@lls of Fire lol.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    ChrisaLChrisaL Registered Users 15 Posts
    Okay Koko, I did what you said and all of the contacts except from 3 were playing KKH within the last ten hours!
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    I want to play "***** of Fire". Sounds very entertaining. Where does one sign up? <kidding! kidding! sorry. momentary slip-up>
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Darn, it does look worse than the innocent word. But Luz, glad you're around. You have great advice. Read this, and see if you think of some other suggestions.

    Now Chrisal, so all the missing contacts on your phone were there in Game Center? I wasn't clear earlier, I just wanted to see if the missing contacts were still in your GC friends list, and if they were active in any games or not.

    Have you shut down and restarted your device and game?

    Do you have enough contacts to continue the weekend Gameplay and try to sort this out Monday while we see if any other posters have any experience with this?

    A few contacts periodically disappear in my game, and then come back just as quietly as they've disappeared, but never a large block like you experienced.

    And one final question for now. (I know it's dumb but I have to ask anyway) On the Friends table, are you looking on the All Contacts tab or the Friends Only tab?
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    ChrisaLChrisaL Registered Users 15 Posts
    All of the 75 contacts show up in the GC but, not in game! I count them one by one and I end up with 30! I'm gonna restart my iPad now to see this way! Anyway, thanks for the help! Have a wonderful weekend!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    You know, I have about 20 GC people listed who aren't in my game.

    So. last question.....have you ever seen/worked with the missing contacts? Because the people I'm missing, just never showed up.

    So actually, when we plunge into this later on, maybe it will help others as well. So, if anyone is experiencing this, please chime in. Maybe we can get it fixed for all of us.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Sorry, Koko. I've been turning this over in my head, but the real-friends aspect of KKH is the one thing that confounds me. I still don't have Sassi back. I wish I understood this and could help ChrisaL...

    I can't think of anything besides the good ideas you've already given.
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    If any other people went through or are going through it, there's always more advice around on a weekday. ;)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    ChrisaLChrisaL Registered Users 15 Posts
    Okay, so I noticed something else too, through the weekend while playing and partying even though I call the same contacts again and again, the social points won't raise! Is that normal?
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Social or business points don't increase at a party. Dates or gigs increase those levels. So, your game is normal in that respect! Are you up to the boots yet? There's a Gladiator thread here, so when you get them, post a pic. :)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    ChrisaLChrisaL Registered Users 15 Posts
    Ooh, okay! Thanks a bunch for your help Koko! I got the gladiators and the clothing as well! I'll post a pic tomorrow!
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