
KKH on Facebook

Kailan_xoxoKailan_xoxo Registered Users 1 Posts
Hi does anyone know what to do when you open your game on Facebook and you click on anything and nothing happens?? I haven't played in 3 dyas..i'm losing fans!!!! I'm freaking out


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    Crystalici0us1Crystalici0us1 Registered Users 66 Posts
    Well, I play on my phone, and I have another game on my boyfriend's ipad. But, I got a touch screen laptop from my in-laws for Christmas, and literally right away I tried to start a game thru fb. It won't let me do anything. It loads, but I can't click start or anything. Idk what to do about it, I kept trying for a few days but every time I tried, it was the same thing, so I gave up. I hope you're able to get on asap, I would be freaking out too! Once, I went to open the game on my phone and as it was loading, it stopped and said "Kim Kardashian Hollywood has stopped" and asked if I wanted to report it. I tried for THREE days to get into the game and every time it would close and say the same thing. I reported it probably 100 times and I was definitely freaking out. Finally, on the fourth day, I came to terms with the fact that I was done, and my heart was broken.. I uninstalled the game, and reinstalled it thinking I would have to start all over. Well, I was sooooo happy when I reinstalled it and my progress was the same! Of course I was in the middle of a gig when the issue started so I got a bad review because I was unable to finish it but I didn't care because I got the game back without losing everything I had worked so hard for! lol.. I hope the issue fixes itself soon, good luck! :)
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    NoonaluvfoodNoonaluvfood Registered Users 1,252 Posts
    Hi guys! I am sorry that you have been going through this problem. However it has been reported on a number of occasions that the FB platform for this game is very unstable. Unfortunately Glu has said that nothing can really be done to fix the problems and that it is out of their hands. If you have made purchases and would like to contact Glu about them then here is the link: https://glumobile.helpshift.com/a/kim-kardashian-hollywood/
    Otherwise another possibility would be to sadly restart your game. :(

    Again I am sorry that this is happening to you.:(

    Hope some of this has helped.
    Sometimes you just have to roll with it.:cool:
    Feel free to PM :)

    GC: Hey guys can't add any friends, I have to work out an issue I am having with accepting friend requests on GC. Thanks anyways!
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    trinket01trinket01 Registered Users 2 Posts
    Good Morning,
    I am having major issues with my new computer playing Kim Kardashian Hollywood. My old laptop, Sony Vaio E-Series player it perfectly but my new one, Toshiba Satelite Radius P55W-B (a laptop + tablet) will not play it. The game loads beautifully, but I can't click on anything. Also, the Toshiba uses Norton's antivirus while the Vaio used Microsoft Security Essentials.
    Any ideas to help me? I really like the game...I play it to reward myself for studying LOL
    Thank you sincerely! :o
    Michelle Jones McClish
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