
Nothing is happening - No calls & Baby Missing

Cheekoh01Cheekoh01 Registered Users 6 Posts
Hi, no calls from Simon and Maria. No weekend event. My baby has disappered. No top couple. Have updated to 4.0 still nothing is happening. Help!!!!


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Ok, I'm sorry, We start the thread Wednesday night, because all day Thursday people are chatting about the upcoming event. The event will most probably start at 5:00A.M. Eastern, on Friday. So, there is another whole day (almost. ;) ) till anyone has the event. So, that's one thing not to worry about.

    If you are not getting calls from Simon or Maria, you have to do a little detective work. Chances are, Simon called you for a side gig. (a basic photoshoot or commercial or other everday task not part of a storyline) and then it is sitting open waiting for you somewhere. You have to look for it. Go to every single place where you could have a job. Photo Studios, Film Studios, Beach Shots, Places like Gansevelt in NY or Brittania in London for Appearances, all the night clubs and restaurants. Look everywhere for a gig waiting for you. This is the situation 99% of the time. (Percentage made up because it almost always happens) After you look absolutely everywhere, if there is still no call from Simon, we'll troubleshoot more. Do you have any gigs on the side that say Available Soon, with a Call now button? Sometimes you don't get another call until you've completed the earlier ones in storyline gigs. So, go look around, and see if you can find your gig.

    Also, when you come back, list your Platform, Device, OS and Level. Good Luck, and don't worry about the Weekend event, pop in there and say Hi. ANd we have a new thread where you can introduce yourself in General Discussion. http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?172376-Weekend-Event-09-11-2015-Power-Bands-and-Dance-Parties-We-love-the-80s

    Hope to see you there. ;)
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    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Adding: I just opened my game, and apparently there are fashion week tasks you should be called for. And, what is your platform/device details? I'll go open up my Android and see if that gets the call from Misty to meet Misty in Paris. It will have a timer of 3 days and some hours. And about the baby. Shut down your device, open up again. Try rebooting, I have a few other suggestions, but not knowing your device it would be more useless to my first response which was automatic, before opening my game. Sorry. Let's try this again.

    If your baby doesn't reappear, you should submit a Customer Care ticket, but let's try futzing (NY word for tinkering) around with safe things first. DMV_Doll and Marshy Beans have taken out their batteries for 15 minutes and trying again....it resolves a number of things. But, since I am the original Fraidy Kat, I don't take batteries out. So, I'll see if I can track down that advice, and maybe one of them will walk you through it. (I'll pay attention, but I dont' think I'll ever do it. That's why I have a son.)

    Things I can offer, if you are Android try clearing your cache. You get there by going to the app manager, scroll to the KKHollywood Game, and carefully push the button that says Clear Cache. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you touch 'clear data'. That is a very Bad button, that will kill your Doll, steal your baby, and your homes, all your cash, your cars, and you'll have to start over.

    So, when you come back we'll try to help. Oh, and I'm changing your thread title, to include the missing baby.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    lileililei Registered Users 33 Posts
    Every few weeks, Glu decides to update or it seems that way to me. The last update happened a few weeks ago and I couldn't access the game for four days in which time a lot of progress was lost and Glu offered no free k stars. This time the pending jobs I had do not show and the babies are no longer in the nursery. I really am tired of you guys updating this game and not at least stopping things until the updates are complete and you don't even offer free k stars for the inconvenience. This is really bad customer service and it seems to me with the technology available you shouldn't have to keep messing up the game to do updates. Glu I am very disappointed in you!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi. you are the 2nd person to complain about the missing baby. I'm moving this to the earlier thread, lets see if the other person updated what is going on. I'm sorry this is happening.

    ETA: First person with this never came back, so lilei, I would suggest sending in a Customer Care ticket using InGame Messaging. I'm sorry this has happened. Have you taken the very latest update? Androids were updated a few times yesterday. But send in the ticket, and keep watching around here for further help.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    lileililei Registered Users 33 Posts
    Thank you for replying because Glu takes several days to respond. I play on my pc using facebook and everything was fine, then suddenly the pending gigs went missing along with the babies and it keeps restarting the game for events already completed. this is cyber groundhog day with this game. I may stop playing altogether because the glitches are becoming an increasing problem and Glu offers no free K stars or money for the inconvenience. Yes, I have contacted them via customer care several times already.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Oh, Facebook. Unfortunately Facebook Support is much harder, issues are usually addressing in forthcoming updates. You've sent in tickets, and Customer Care has it at this point. But, by posting it here, Glu might pick up on it and be able to help out.

    Sometimes simple things help. I am being totally serious when I say a number of Facebook players have come back and said simply changing browsers did the trick. I'm sorry I have no better suggestions, let us know what Customer Care says. Maybe you can help others with the info.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    lileililei Registered Users 33 Posts
    Oh, Facebook. Unfortunately Facebook Support is much harder, issues are usually addressing in forthcoming updates. You've sent in tickets, and Customer Care has it at this point. But, by posting it here, Glu might pick up on it and be able to help out.

    Sometimes simple things help. I am being totally serious when I say a number of Facebook players have come back and said simply changing browsers did the trick. I'm sorry I have no better suggestions, let us know what Customer Care says. Maybe you can help others with the info.

    Hello, I changed browsers and it's still the same. It's actually worse with firefox which really goes back. You are kind (very) to try to assist, but I have foolishly spent too much money with this game and am very disappointed with the customer service non response. The game will work in about 5 days and all progress will be lost and I think Glu should either reimburse customers or stop messing with updates that they can't seem to handle.
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    Cheekoh01Cheekoh01 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Android kit kat 4.4.2
    Infinix x509
    Level 21
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    Cheekoh01Cheekoh01 Registered Users 6 Posts
    Hi, I'm the first person that started this thread. I hav done all you suggested. But I can't still see the baby and I don't hav any open gig. As for the weekend event, I hav completed that. All I do now is go on dates which doesn't add any points to the top couple (stuck at #100) and regular gigs from Simon. The game is now boring. I hav contacted the customer care too and no response from them yet. I use an infinix x509 an android phone 4.4.2. Level 21. Even the new so chic at London is just there. When does it get opened? I'm getting tired of wondering what's wrong! Help
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I'm sorry this is happening. Did you get an acknowledgement from Customer Care yet? When did you submit? Check your messages to make sure it shows as sent, and I'll go check my messages to see if I have any info about this. If you didn't get an acknowledgment, try again? Submit another is the best advice I have for now. I know some issues are being addressed in an update coming soon, but you should definitely be hearing something back from your message submission.

    Edited to Add: nothing specifically about the babies, but we should hear something in the forum regarding issues 'shortly'. In the meantime, send your second request if you didn't get a confirmation, or response.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    Cheekoh01Cheekoh01 Registered Users 6 Posts
    The first round, i got acknowledgment.I sent it on 10th sept . Been waiting and I havnt heard back from them. I sent a couple of times Later. Didn't get acknowledgment for that. I hav sent back again some mins ago. No acknowledgment. I hope they respond.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Ok, There is a backlog. All I can ask is that you try to be patient. if you submitted it on the 10th, today is the 15th, we don't know what the weekend situation for front end customer care. But I know I sound like a broken record. But please wait and the Android glitches are being addressed very soon. Please take my word for this. You've registered your issue, with Customer Care. Chances are the issues will be corrected, and then Customer Care will get to your ticket. So let them know how much you were affected and how it was a large inconvenience. I'm sure they'll apologize, and you will be a happy camper again. Trust me.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    lileililei Registered Users 33 Posts
    Cheekoh01 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm the first person that started this thread. I hav done all you suggested. But I can't still see the baby and I don't hav any open gig. As for the weekend event, I hav completed that. All I do now is go on dates which doesn't add any points to the top couple (stuck at #100) and regular gigs from Simon. The game is now boring. I hav contacted the customer care too and no response from them yet. I use an infinix x509 an android phone 4.4.2. Level 21. Even the new so chic at London is just there. When does it get opened? I'm getting tired of wondering what's wrong! Help

    Hello, I am having the same problems. I play on FB and I'm tired of this at this point. I am going to call it quits because I only get regular gigs from Simon and I do not want to start at the beginning when I am at level 33 now. I also have the new chic and all I can do are the regular gigs, dates and that's it. No babies, not even willow bragging and I have lost count of the tickets sent to Glu. Sigh.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    lilei, I'm sorry this is happening, from the beginning we've always been told one on one support is not available for Facebook Platform, that issues are handled though the updates. For all I know (and it would make sense) maybe because it's through the Facebook site, Glu might not be enabled to go in and fine tune things.

    I'm sorry at this point they are not responding. I do hope the next update solves these facebook issues.

    ETA: I'm also angry at myself. When you first posted I should have asked your platform, and wouldn't have moved your issue over. My mistake.

    also correct May NOW be able, to May NOT be able. sorry for the typo
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    lileililei Registered Users 33 Posts
    Koko you've been very patient and tried to be helpful. They need people like you who really care about customers not being able to play a game that they spend (not a wise choice for me but one that I rationalize since I don't spend money on self beyond pedicures) money on. I've not hacked (wouldn't know how and wouldn't do it even if I did) so I just don't understand. But, maybe for FB users, they will address the glitches soon.
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