
Amazon Kindle Fire ..Please Help

Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
Hi. I am using a Kindle tablet and have no idea how to back up my game. Also I would like to make screen shots in case I need to send them to Glu. Any help with either of these things will be greatly appreciated


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi. I think it depends on the model, but I put "How to take screenshots on a Kindle Fire" into google, and came up with a whole page of links. This one might help. I would do a similar search on how to back apps and games on my device. I hope this helps. It might be an easier way for you to find the info you need. Of course, perhaps some Fire players have better info, but the first thing I saw said there are screenshot buttons on the more recent devices, so..be sure the advice you get is for your model. Good luck, and welcome to the forum. :)
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    Hi. I think it depends on the model, but I put "How to take screenshots on a Kindle Fire" into google, and came up with a whole page of links. This one might help. I would do a similar search on how to back apps and games on my device. I hope this helps. It might be an easier way for you to find the info you need. Of course, perhaps some Fire players have better info, but the first thing I saw said there are screenshot buttons on the more recent devices, so..be sure the advice you get is for your model. Good luck, and welcome to the forum. :)
    Thanks Koko. your link was very helpful. Screenshots are not too much of a problem. As for saving the game data, I researched it and it looks like you have to have a feature called "Amazon Game Circle" turned on and then Amazon saves the data for you....will be checking with Amazon directly to see how this works...thanks again
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Duh. Blonde moment. Yes, game circle is the social media (for lack of better term) equivalent of Game Center or google play for Kindle players. Having no experience with Game Circle, I didn't know they helped save those games. good to know. We both learned something. ;)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    I consider it lucky if I get to watch as many as 10 Videos a week for free K-stars...but it seems that some people get a lot more than that. Just wondering if this is just something to do with my game or if it could be related to the Kindle platform. I am beginning to think that Kindle related issues are probably more the cause of Amazon policies than Glu.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi Livy. The number of videos available to watch depends on a myriad of factors, from location, wifi provider, device, and who knows what else. I've heard people say they watch up to 43 at a time...I'm lucky with 4 per day.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help. But everyone's game is different as far as these offers go.
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    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    Hi Livy. The number of videos available to watch depends on a myriad of factors, from location, wifi provider, device, and who knows what else. I've heard people say they watch up to 43 at a time...I'm lucky with 4 per day.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help. But everyone's game is different as far as these offers go.

    Hi Koko. thanks for replying. I do indeed remember reading something like that before. Just curious if the sparcity of videos was related to Kindles in specific. I imagine that Glu has collected lots of data on questions like this. Don't you think it would be a good idea for them to publish that stuff so players could know from the beginning what they may be dealing with? ( oh BTW. I am with you 100% on that Infamous Red Dress....clashes like crazy and the skirt part is definitely taken from the same template as the first one...an average user of Photoshop could make those changes without much bother....)
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    They have some info about videos in the site's FAQs. To make it even easier for you, Here' s the exact page, and here's what they say

    There are no videos for me to watch.
    Video availability is completely dependent on advertisers. If they want to advertise to your specific demographic they may offer videos, but if not, then you will not have any to view. Unfortunately, there is no way to make them want to show videos.

    We do try to use multiple vendors in order to increase the chance a video will be available for all of our players. You will just need to check back frequently to see if any are available.


    This pretty much tells players from the beginning that there may or may not be videos to watch. Hope this helps. The Game FAQs offer a wealth of info, when people ask me a question I very often go there for the info.

    AND.....these same FAQs are right at your fingertips on your device. Go to Options (top left) / Help and support/ Glu Support/ Help Boom - FAQs type in Videos, and the same info comes up.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    TwiztidroseTwiztidrose Registered Users 423 Posts
    Livy Aha! wrote: »
    I consider it lucky if I get to watch as many as 10 Videos a week for free K-stars...but it seems that some people get a lot more than that. Just wondering if this is just something to do with my game or if it could be related to the Kindle platform. I am beginning to think that Kindle related issues are probably more the cause of Amazon policies than Glu.

    It always changes. Some days I can watch several, others none. But I have figured out, if you watch all of your available videos you can't open an additional daily gift box!! Personally I'd rather open an extra box! ;)
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    It always changes. Some days I can watch several, others none. But I have figured out, if you watch all of your available videos you can't open an additional daily gift box!! Personally I'd rather open an extra box! ;)

    Thanks so much for that info Twiztidrose. I would definitely prefer the extra gift box. I have only gotten the offer a couple of times, so I'll follow your suggestion ��
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    If you are getting messages saying that "in app purchases are not available" ,you can fix the problem by going to "Settings" on the home page..... then navigate to "manage all apps". When you find " Amazon App Store" delete the app data. An Amazon rep helped me do this and I haven't had those messages since.
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