
Stuck on 1 Hour Dates

Naomi77Naomi77 Registered Users 212 Posts
And all is going ok but am stuck at getting only 1 hr dates with my maxed SO at this rate will never be able to finish.....is it just me this is happening to??


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I would just try 5 minutes after you get a 1 hour date. Don't take the date, and just keep trying till you get a time you would like. If it hasn't changed in an hour, then submit a ticket to customer care. Some people love the one hour dates, others not so much, but lets try and make sure there really is a problem first. Fingers crossed, and let us know what happens.
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    Naomi77Naomi77 Registered Users 212 Posts
    I ended up using full energy on 1 hr dates and left so it would fill up on coming back had more of the same but on my last try gave me a 4hr so maybe it fixed itself :) thank you Koko for your help btw though it's not that I don't like 1hr just would like to get the throwback for once hahaha *provided I stay awake* heehee
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    soundsprettysoundspretty Registered Users 5,000 Posts
    I'm not sure what the official time frame is but I know the length of the dates at least refresh every hour. It may even be every half hour. Or 20 min, or 10! I've never fully tested it but an hour is a definite. Like Koko said, reject the one hour date and come back and see if you can get something better. If you're full on energy maybe do just one date so you're not wasting any but for the amount of points you get I certainly wouldn't waste too much energy/cash on them.
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    soundsprettysoundspretty Registered Users 5,000 Posts
    Just to follow up, this morning I woke up at 6am and had a string of 4 hour dates. At 6:30 I tried again and still had 4 hour. So either I was really lucky or correct in that it refreshes on the hour. So if you open your game and you get a 1 hour date, cancel the date and wait until the next hour hits (if it's 6:00, wait until 7. If it's 6:30, wait until 7, etc.)

    Hopefully you should get a better time. If your energy is maxed at 6:00 then go ahead and do one date to clear out some energy so you're not sitting on it until 7:00 rolls around (example times, obviously)

    On the same token, if you get the coveted 4 hour date, if you are out of energy go ahead and start your next one while the 4 hour time is still there. You won't be able to start your date for awhile but you'll be able to earn back a full bar of energy well before the 4 hours is up to finish out the date.

    Hope this helps!
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    inging Registered Users 54 Posts
    I was stuck on 1 hr dates also, I finally got 4 hr dates at the end of the event.
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    urnxournxo Registered Users 236 Posts
    Same happened to me. I tried to wait it out but kept getting 1 hours anyway so finally gave in and did a bunch to get my first box. Eventually I got a few 2s then got the 4s and 8s.
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