
Unable to open game for 2 weeks

missmaekomissmaeko Registered Users 4 Posts
Hello! So, I decided to sort of use the forum as a last resort because I'm not sure what else to do short of reinstalling the game and losing all of my progress.

I've been unable to open the Kim Kardashian game for about 2 weeks now, and I've cleared up 2gb of space on my phone, attempted to open the game with multiple strong wifi connections, and I've cleared my cache many times. I'm using a Samsung galaxy s5.

Unfortunately, I don't have my hollywood ID as I can't get past the loading screen, so there's not much I can do. I was wondering if there's any way the staff/moderators could find a way to see my game without that? I've made in-game purchases and I do have the receipt numbers for those if that's a way perhaps? I've contacted support and I've just been told the same things multiple times (clear my cache, have a strong wifi connection, etc).

I'm at a loss and I'd really prefer not to lose my game over this :( I'm hoping maybe someone will see this and have a solution or if other people are having the same issue.

Or if there's a way to get my hollywood ID without getting into the game, that would also be really helpful!

Thank you for reading!

- Maeko


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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Unfortunately, the game ID is what's needed to get in and take a look at your game. I myself wondered if they can track it with a purchase but I haven't heard of it ever being done. I know there are some loading issues with some Android games, so you can submit a ticket using the contact us form on this page... supply receipts and see if they can get in that way, but I'm not hopeful about this.
    the 2nd more probable fix will be global fix for the Androids affected. there are other posts ab8out this, and I am very sorry this happened. I would not uninstall the game, unless you have another device you can try and bring up the game on. I'm really sorry you're locked out.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    missmaekomissmaeko Registered Users 4 Posts
    Hm, alright. I guess I'll try sending another ticket and see if they can retrieve my account through my purchases. I remember asking them about it, though I never got a reply so I'm not too sure, haha. Thank you for the response, though! I certainly hope there's some sort of update or global fix for android. I put a lot of work into my game ;__;
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    I have to be honest, I have never heard of them tracking down your game through a receipt, I just wondered if it was possible. The good news is, the purchases you've made purchases in the StarShop can be restored to your new game. Supplying your receipts to Customer care can serve 2 purposes. You can ask if they can locate your game through the receipts, or to please restore them to your new game. I'm really sorry this is happening.

    But please, everyone reading this, make sure you have your game ID saved in a safe place.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    missmaekomissmaeko Registered Users 4 Posts
    Yeah, I sent in a message to see if there was any way, or if I'd just have to start over and restore my purchases, though I'd really prefer to not uninstall the game yet, haha. Maybe I'll install it on my iPad for the time being. Thank you for your help, though, I appreciate it! Hopefully something can be worked out.
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    At this point you have nothing to lose by trying. I hate seeing a game lost. Fingers crossed.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    missmaekomissmaeko Registered Users 4 Posts
    I guess I'll put my mini update here:

    I'm still unable to open the game, and support has just been driving me in circles by not responding to my inquiries and simply stating the same few things (2GB of space, clean cache, no apps open, etc.) so I don't think I should try anymore, but I'll put down everything here just in case it helps with future updates, because while I'm very disappointed, I don't think I'm the only one having this issue. I'm on Android Samsung Galaxy s5

    The game crashes upon loading: it will begin to load but then the screen will go black and crash.

    This has been happening since February of this year, so we're coming up on 2 months of not being able to open the game
    The game, while loading, often looks like it's downloading new content for an update or something but then just crashes right after it does that, so I've no idea.

    I used to get notifications on "hey I haven't seen you in awhile, come play!" or from my wife like "hey I miss you, wanna hang out?" I do not get these notifications anymore it's like the game is totally dead.
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    KajaKaja Registered Users 18 Posts
    You're not alone missmaeko - but the fact you've been unable to open the game since February makes me even more depressed! - I've only been unable to access since the April update! - I'm just thinking that I have to wait until a new update is made in the hope that might "re-boot" whatever is stopping my game opening - I'm certainly not getting any assistance from Glu support otherwise!

    I've also only got a few dismissive emails about space, wifi, cache....but none of those are issues for me - I was playing fine five minutes before updating - and I can still open the app from my iPhone - although of course this isn't at the same progress state as the game on my iPad that won't open...

    I'm also unable to provide an ID - because of course I can't get it - and I never thought that would be something I'd have to do!

    Feeling really let down here by Glu - kind of just feels there are so many players, that they don't care about a few dropping out here and there - even loyal players that have played literally for several years now (I started when the game was created...)

    Again, you're not alone - I feel your pain!!
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    OksanaSheOksanaShe Registered Users 15 Posts
    I have that problem too and understand your pain... Customer care answered first time by standard frazes too, but next time really trying to help. I give them my ID and they try to see game inside, so, on their device game loading well. I answered them that I doesn't matter can't loading and they asked me to write them what's devise I use, year of issue, version os. I really hope, that they try to fix it!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Multiple threads by the same players on the same issue, I'm merging and closing as necessary, thanks for understanding. This thread is closing, everyone is represented in the newly combined threads.

    new thread with your issues, and your other posts here: http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?245830-I-m-insanely-upset-the-game-does-not-turn-on-crash-on-loading%26%23128560%3B-%26%23128553%3B
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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