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AuroraOcéane · New Member


  • Well :) I personally think it's boring. It takes ages to get married. So there should be more or at least different actions to do. You even can't do anything at his place too.. So, yh :0
  • Okay, thank you a lot :) Well I think it's pretty lame then, that you have to keep on dating - even when married... I didn't - get the keys straight after the wedding. But after I did the first party with my husband at my place and completed some more exercises dating him 3 times more or something. So I think if you're…
  • Ok, thank you! Well that sounds good so far (via Google+) But my problem is: I have a Google+ account. I can see my Google+ nickname in the game. But when I click on "invite friends", there's only the facebook symbol sign in button (and I don't have facebook). What do you mean with 'circles?' :0
  • Hahaha :D Nice. Yeah, I really feel like there could be more bf actions, too. It takes ages to get the key and then that's it. How ruuude :D
  • No :( I'm an android user. So there is a option for iPhone users but not for Android players?
  • Hehe :) Thank you. Of course I know that I can buy houses, the yacht etc. - but what I meant is, do I have the chance to chose between more furniture the bigger the houses become? Or are there always the same beds, couches etc.? Would be great to know what would be more worth it - The house in the Hills? Or the Yacht in…
  • Yeah... Well, I didn't hear about sth like that too... - before it happened to me. v.v' Anyway. I don't know what kind of glitch that is, but it is real exhausting. Seriously. All this gets ridiciolous.
  • I agree :) I like the differences between them too. I think I'm grudged and my game (Hollywood) is ruined since yesterday... And theres nothing I can do -.- I was nominated for a Star Award. Went there. Lost. Then there were the 2 options 'clap hands' or 'fake smile' as usual. I klicked 'clap hands' and normally you know…
  • Haha, same here :) Unfortunately I installed the game by mistaken and had to start all over again (A-List I mean). But now back to A-list and finally got the house on The Coast again. Can I also get engaged or married in The A-List? Because there's no possible boyfriends appartments (locked) I recon. I don't really get the…
  • I totally understand that pogramming is a lot of work, so I'll be patient :) I play Stardom: The A-List too, so at least I can play that, haha You seem to know a bit bout the game(s ?), so another question if thats cool I know Stardom: The A-List is an older game, but do you maybe know, if they're still updating and…
  • Well thanks a lot so far :) I just sent a mail explaining my problem. You're right, I'm an android user haha :) The only thing that's strange to me now - visiting San Francisco works excellent for me :0 Its only that I cant visit those 2 'oldern' areas... Hmmm
  • I regret to buy the Loft. Because I don't pay real cash in this game, so i saved all my stars I earned in projects. And then it's just one room and not even a lot furniture to chose. :/ So in.my opinion the Loft in Las Vegas is not worth it. But the Beach House at the Coast is worth the 30,000. :) It has a lot of rooms, a…
  • Well, except that you can't do a lot at your house(s) anyway :) (if you don't spend real $ to get all of the pets to get more XP/energy), it's just a little fun to have a house, because you can chose between some nice different furnitue and bra. :) I got the Apartmentin the Neighbourhood, the one in the Downtown, the Beach…
  • I think it's twice the energy time. :) So 10-15 minutes.
  • Question :) Do you still have to keep on dating your husband every day when you get married, so he doesn't break up? Because I wonder if it's worth it then or a waste of energy (dates etc). Thanks already! :)

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