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ClaireInGame · Experienced Member


  • I agree and Luz ask more questions please, I ♡ koko's responses
  • *Waves* ahem...like me :) I sent glu a ticket too. It's strange that I appear in Stardom for my contacts but not KKH.
  • Now we're talking! Hey there's always next weekend. I'm sure Moony and Reubenn will simply ♥it. Fingers crossed they'll take your suggestion, lol ;) ETA: when I said" hope he had better taste" I meant his date Bridgett Neilson . Ick, that girl was kray kray. Why'd he want her?:P ETA 2- if only I figured out how to use my…
  • Lol Koko ♡ ! His style reminds me of another couple, remember them: Flava Fav. And this was one of his tamer outfits. I think they met on that show Surreal life (?) Or something similar sounding. Anyhoo, at least Frenchie has slightly better taste :P I ♡♥♡ what they're offering the gals. The guys: lol, hopefully they'll…
  • Wow, talk about fiction imitating life, your name's not Kris by any chance? lol I wonder if they did that "glitch" on purpose. So are you now divorced?
  • Oh thank you!!!!! Currently, I'm waiting for that second gig. Yea! We can turn it around on her! Pity though, she never seems to lose fans after her nasty schemes are revealed to the press. Wow she must have a real dumb fan base...just once I'd like her fall to E list. Thanks again for the heads up, now I don't have to…
  • Oh, Yea! wow this thread couldn't have come up in a better time. I'm currently being blackmailed by a spy sent from Willow with some fake photoshopped pictures while I'm attending some dental event. I just started the event but I scared to leave. I told him I'll think about it. Think about what? I'm guessing money.…
  • Whoops sorry, I'm just in a chatty mood :D Anyone wanna chat, PM me :)
  • thanks, oh well at least I'll have plenty of company while we wait. How about a sing-a-long while we sit by the fire roasting marshmellows? Come on, it'll be fun :D
  • I didn't get those new quests after the party either. I still have other quests to still be kept occupied but still...I wonder whats happening? How long did you have to wait for those new quests to pop up? I'd like to know if it's an android problem or is it an equal opportunity bug?
  • I don't blame you there. Idk why those spam messages annoy me so much but they do. Thanks for getting rid of them but ack, it seems like a never ending battle for you. I'm so tempted to respond with a go away message but that only feeds the troll
  • Oh I'm so sorry. What were their suggestions?
  • Great! Yea! I could use a partner in crime. As for the hubby, well he just stands there all day and looks pretty. I can't get him to join in the fun. What a party ****er, lol. With your help I'll be able to pull off more elaborate pranks for sure, thanks :) ETA: lol, who knew p o o p er was a bad word, too funny
  • Hee, they'll never catch me cuz I'm invisible. Weeee so much fun! I'm was currently holding Breens' friends hostage until they tricked me and escaped on my boat when I wasn't looking, grrrr. Now I'll never be visible :( ETA: Whoah, 350 stars! Wow, looks like something I'll have to save for. For that many stars it'll better…
  • There's a helicopter? Really? Don't tell me I can only buy it from the Hamptons garage. Moony the game hates me so it won't let me appear in anyones game :P. Actually, I've come to terms with my "specialness" and have gone on to pulling pranks like hiding their keys and repainting their houses and cars when their not…
  • Did you go to the party yet? From what I've read here, the game seems to have just stopped for them too afterwards. Must be some kind of glitch?
  • Add me too. What there's a garage in both those houses? Although maybe it's just me, but I really don't miss em, i mean, I already bought a car which I'm happy with and the pretty little thing follows me all around anyway, why do I need to go into the garage?
  • They're all visiting me, Wish. Yep in Invisible land. Ahhh it's such a nice place. I plan on *cough* releasing *cough* them when I finally am able to leave Invisible Land too :D
  • Thank you. Well , when i first spotted him at the Oats I thought, wow, potential hubby #2??? until he stood up. It was then when I noticed he was wearing the long fur trimed coat, white jacket and pink shorts, Lol. Yep, pink shorts. Gah, for a promotor this guy has no fashion sense at all, so he really needs me to help…
  • I had a laugh because Kim said it was modeled after us or reminded her of us. . What, we're Alienated from others? Should we be insulted?' Is that how she sees us? Lol
  • Thanks for the heads up, I just responded to you there. If only it was that easy *snif snif cries*. Lol I wrote to customer service but I haven't recieved a reply yet. Fingers crossed they can help me.
  • I was never signed in to facebook until the day before yesterday. I just signed up for another facebook account to connect to this game in hopes of appearing in that way. I have no idea if that would have worked cuz no one friended me, lol. Hee, I don't mind cuz it is just a second account and my real one has plenty of…
  • Thanks I ...erm...married him for his great personality. ..yes of course I did! The mere fact that's he's goodlooking made no impact on my decision to marry him I swear * takes a peek at Wish hoping she believes me, does she look convinced?..... Nope...Hymph, darn it she sees through my lies!*
  • I did, still awaiting the results, hoping it doesn't backfire on us. I have no idea what the real kylie looks like but I thought they both looked great. I so wanted everything they wore and hairstyles ETA: I just googled her and saw her before and after plastic surgery photos Wow that plastic surgeon did an amazing job
  • I didn't know there was a computer version. How long was it out? Gah, just what I need, another device I can play this game on. I hope your problem gets solved soon and you get everything back
  • ohh I'm so sorry for you, what a cad. I swear the next time I see him I'll give him quite an earful regarding his favor etiquette. He could have at least shown you the common decency and asked you in person.
  • I didn't think I'd be able to afford it so quickly but i did a few quick modeling gigs that paid decently and suddenly I could. No money for furniture presently but eventually I'll aquire the cash . I love that dress too and will buy it way before I buy the furnishings for the house. Of course the pet will take precedent…
  • Psst: not all that crazy about the Jolly Green Giant outfit, but al least we're all set for St. Patties Day :D the other outfits are great
  • Really? I think it looks beautiful, totally ♡ it, I can't wait to buy that house too. I wish those clothes that Kendall and Kylie were available as well. They're to die for :)
  • Oh so that's her story. Jealous much? Although part of me feels a wee bit sorry for her the other part thinks serves her right for being such a drunken tart, lol Didn't know they released Malibu already. Yikes, I never even noticed it was there. Darn, I blew all my Kstars this past weekend so now I'm poor. I have to wait…

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