Suggestion: get rid of UI glitches

rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
There are a number of UI quirks that, if cleaned up would make the game more enjoyable.
  • Too many popups with redundant information
    • You show us what the daily bonus is and then we click collect. The only thing accomplished by showing us again and making us click OK is a downgrade in user experience.
    • When each headhunter fight finishes you make us click ok after showing us the reward for the fight only to take us to the screen showing the awards pending the last fight. The popup is redundant and serves no purpose but requires a user action to clear.
  • "Skip" feature in the item upgrade is not an improvement.
    • Upgrading is now slower than it was before. We used to click the upgrade button and the shaking annimation would trigger. Now it takes two seconds for the skip button to show and two more seconds to either register the tap on the skip button or start the shake.
    • Why make us skip over and over and over. Don't you realize we go thru this hundreds of times. Use a checkbox and let us skip the skip.
  • Let us use/fuse/sell useless runic items
  • Runic upgrade progress bar is innacurate
    1. Sometimes adding an item doesn't reflect in the bar. Removing and re-adding then makes the bar jump.
    2. When you actually perform the fuse the results are different than what was shown.
    3. After the progress bar goes to 100% and the label flashes white you don't disable the add feature and you don't progress the fusion beyond the current level so items are lost
  • Heroes die after a fights end
    • When a fight ends we can't move anyone. This includes re-targeting the healer. If someone is in a dangerous area they can take damage and die because of this loss of control. This is particularly common in headhunter fights when the monster dies while the monster is using an AOE damage ability. When the fight stops either freeze everything or let us move and re-target healing. For that matter, why not start every fight healed up with abilities cooled down? The party has time to march along to the next room, they should have time to heal.
  • Superfluous clutter on map screen
    • Timers could be reduced to a small colored dot with a different color for days, hours, 59-30 minutes, 30-15 minutes. When tapped the timer could pop up for 5 seconds.
    • The hero icons are as big as the mountains they sit on. Smaller would make the UI cleaner. Once the stars are won removing the icon entierly would be fine by me.
    • The G+ and campaign icons have nothing to do with the map. These should be moved to another screen like the heroes screen, the store screen or perhaps the top menu bar
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