Question about saving

thesheriff33thesheriff33 Registered Users 97 Posts
I have a quick question about setting up a login. Right now I don't use any login to access the game, but after reading some of the comments about people who lost games/teams I think it would probably be smarter for me to use Facebook or Email as a way to save and access my team. If I decide to do that, would I lose my current team and end up with a new team tied to the email, or would it save my current team?

Sorry if my question comes across as unclear


  • Bleachercreatur3Bleachercreatur3 Registered Users 19 Posts
    I linked my gmail account after playing for several months and my progress was not resetted
  • MackDaddyMikeMackDaddyMike Registered Users 45 Posts
    It links your current team to either Facebook or an email (whichever you choose). It does not link a brand new team to these.
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