
The Comprehensive Guide to Mods

PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
The Comprehensive Guide to Mods
by Physiologic

Note: This guide is being heavily edited and will be up-to-date soon.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Mods FAQ
III. Offensive Mods
IV. Defensive Mods
V. Revision History

I. Introduction

Hello bros, I am Physiologic. This guide is meant to inform new players and veterans alike on what mods are in Gun Bros 2, their individual functions, their specific mechanics, and other tidbits of information that may or may not be useful to your endeavors on being the ultimate bro.

Before I start, a little background on me. I am a guidemaker in the forum worlds and first laid my roots in Spacetime Studios' forums. I've made quite a few guides there to help out players and developers (see here, here, and here for examples). I can only say I have achieved enough credibility in my guides to have the highest levels of accuracy and detail through vigorous hours of in-game testing. That being said, you will find that there is a lot of information that may be considered overkill for the casual gamer.

Please feel free to add any pertinent information that I am missing, and I will give credit where it is due.

II. Mods FAQ

What is a Mod?

A "mod" is short term for modification, which is used as an attachment to your weapons. There are currently 30 in total. Mods can help you tremendously during battles, either by adding more attacks or helping your character defensively. They can be especially crucial in determining whether you will get a "silver" time or a "gold" time - at harder campaign levels, mods can shave off seconds or even minutes and can be the difference between life and death.

Where do I find Mods?

Mods can be found primarily through treasure chests looted in battles. The bronze treasure chests do not bear any mods, while the silver and the gold treasure chests do. The gold treasure chests seem to have a higher rate at dropping mods (and equipment) than silver treasures chests. Mods can also be found by purchasing Mystery Chests and Better Odds Chests located in the Black Market.

How do Mods work?

Each weapon can have 3 mods equipped to them. The great thing about mods are they are NOT permanently attached to your weapon. If you need a different mod, you can unequip one and equip a different one instead.

When used in battle, a mod will have an "individual cooldown," meaning it has to wait a certain period of time before it can be used again. There is also a "universal cooldown," meaning that once you used a mod, you have to wait a period of time before you can use ANY other mod.

If you have more than one of the same kind of mod, i.e. you have 3 Spydr Mine MK1s in your inventory, it is possible to equip all 3 of them in the same gun so you can use them in succession. This can be extremely useful if you have 3 of the same powerful mods that you prefer to use in battle.

It's important to note that the "Power" (or PWR in game) of the Mods must be equal or less than your weapon in order to even equip it to use. Therefore, the best Mods in the game can only be equipped with weapons with the highest PWR. You can easily obtain a higher PWR for your weapon though through upgrades - this requires you to use Glu coins, and a significant amount if the Mod is way too powerful for your weapon.


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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    What is the difference between the different "classes" of mods, i.e. Class C/B/A/X?

    I believe that the class ranking of mods (and equipment) determines the drop rarity and not necessarily the effectiveness of its function. Just because a mod is class A does not mean it is any better than a class B mod. Class X mods are the rarest mods to find and also carry some of the best power in the game.

    What type of mods are there?

    There are two categories of Mods I will categorize in my guide: Offensive Mods and Defensive Mods. Offensive Mods are used to attack your enemies while Defensive Mods will aid your character's survival. These will be explained in individual detail in sections III. and IV.

    What does the "MK" on each of the Mod mean?

    Though there are 30 Mods to find in the game, there is actually only 10 unique ones since each type of Mod has 3 different tier levels. These tier levels are labeled by the "MK" at the end of each Mod. MK1 is the weakest tier while MK3 is the strongest tier. Some Mods have special perks at higher tiers - for example, Spydr Mines MK3 lays down a lot more mines than Spydr Mines MK1.

    What is the "best" mod to use?

    This will obviously be the most debated topic since certain mods can be useful in certain situations and not so much in other situations. Some guidelines in choosing a mod can be as follows.

    1. Do I need to kill enemies faster to get a "gold" time? In this case, your mods of choice should be ones that expedite your kill rate. Spydr Mines, Rocket Shots, SWARMs, and Air Strikes may be some mods you can choose to help you kill faster to achieve a "gold" time. You should not waste slots on defensive mods since you need all the precious time you need killing enemies.

    2. I die quite too often. In this case, you should equip Shields and Bro-ccelarators. This may be especially useful when you don't have stronger weapons, or at harder campaign levels. Enemies do have higher health and damage at the final campaigns.

    3. Farming solo or with a bro. When you have strong bros in your Brotherhood and you want to farm higher level campaigns, then you can choose whatever mods you prefer since a strong bro is always worth a thousand mods. However, when you run out of bros to use, these higher level campaigns can be a nuisance farming solo. Mixing offensive and defensive Mods can be a better choice at this point - I personally use something alongside a Spydr Mine MK3/Shield MK3/SWARM MK3 combo. Of course, when you have end-game weapons, Mods should barely make a difference...

    III. Offensive Mods

    Spydr Mine MK1
    Power: 30
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 17 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Effect: Releases 1 mine that chases the nearest enemy and explodes for AoE (area of effect) damage.
    Comments: One of the first Mods you will probably find, this Mod will be of very limited use since your regular attack will dish out decent damage in early campaigns. The individual cooldown time of 17 seconds is also quite long unless you fill up all 3 slots with Spydr Mines, in which case you can almost continously lay down mines (spamming). Lay down one mine, wait 5 seconds, lay another, wait 5 seconds, lay the last one and by the time you finished waiting the last 5 seconds the first mine should have reached its individual cooldown.

    Spydr Mine MK2
    Power: 144
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 17 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Effect: Releases 3 mines that chases the nearest enemy and explodes for AoE damage.
    Comments: This tier can be better utilized since 3 mines are laid down instead of 1. You can use the same strategy as the previous tier if you have 3 of them.

    Spydr Mine MK3
    Power: 1300
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 17 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Effect: Releases 6 powerful mines that chases the nearest enemy and explodes for AoE damage.
    Comments: This tier is quite powerful if you use the 3-slot mine strategy, as power is greatly increased per mine and 6 mines are deployed. I've personally used this while soloing missions to help get "gold" times. The MK3 tier is however only found late in the harder campaigns.

    Rocket Shot MK1
    Power: 42
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 14.5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: Fires 1 homing rocket at your closest enemy, exploding for AoE damage.
    Comments: The AoE damage is quite useful in putting down clusters of enemies early on in the game. However, for enemies farther away from your screenview, the rocket does not travel too far and self-detonates, so it's important to fire when the enemy can be seen.

    Rocket Shot MK2
    Power: 130
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 14.5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: Fires 1 homing rocket at your closest enemy, exploding for AoE damage.
    Comments: Besides a higher damage, I've yet to find any other difference in this tier level.
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    Rocket Shot MK3
    Power: 750
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 14.5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: Fires 1 homing rocket at your closest enemy, exploding for AoE damage.
    Comments: Besides a higher damage, I've yet to find any other difference in this tier level.

    Singularity MK1
    Power: 45
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Effect: A short-ranged attack, this Mod will create a stationary "black hole" that damages any enemy inside it and lasts about 4.5 seconds.
    Comments: The Singularity Mods boast a much faster cooldown time than most of the other offensive Mods. The only downside is that it slowly damages enemies, and unless you are stationary like the Singularity black hole, enemies won't really stay put. Thus, this attack requires careful aim and strafing around the black hole is a must to maximize damage output.

    Singularity MK2
    Power: 195
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: A short-ranged attack, this Mod will create a stationary "black hole" that damages any enemy inside it and lasts about 4.5 seconds.
    Comments: Similar to Singularity MK1 but with a slightly faster universal cooldown and higher damage.

    Singularity MK3
    Power: 1180
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: A short-ranged attack, this Mod will create a stationary "black hole" that damages any enemy inside it and lasts about 4.5 seconds.
    Comments: With a universal cooldown of 3 seconds, you can equip 3 of this Mod tier and spam it continuously at enemies. Again, the damage is slow and only occurs when the enemy is in the black hole. This is far more useful against the large enemies such as the pus titans and the fat guys that shoot the yellow lasers.

    Mallet of Brawn MK1
    Power: 80
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Effect: This Mod signals a giant laser from the sky to fall down and damage enemies that get hit by it. The laser follows the closest enemy until it dies and then moves towards the next one. The duration of the entire laser is 11.5 seconds: 3.5 seconds for the laser to form (the laser does not do any damage), then 8 seconds of the actual attack.
    Comments: Though cool in design, this laser is quite slow and should be reserved only for slow enemies such as the giant mine spawner and the fat guys that shoot yellow lasers. Either that, or you can stay relatively close to enemies so they do not move while the laser is attacking them.

    Mallet of Brawn MK2
    Power: 800
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 9 seconds
    Effect: Similar to the Mallet of Brawn MK1, but the laser is much faster in tracking enemies and appears to be thicker in diameter (not to mention much stronger). The duration of the laser remains the same.
    Comments: This Mod tier is rare in the fact that there are other modifications besides damage. The laser is much faster at movement so enemies are more likely to suffer under its pathway. The diameter of the laser is thicker, but I am unsure if it covers more enemies, or if its just for display.

    Mallet of Brawn MK3
    Power: 3520
    Class: X
    Individual Cooldown: ?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: ?
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    Shockwave MK1
    Power: 75
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 8.5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: A literal shockwave pushes unshielded enemies away from you 360 degrees in your field of vision. Larger enemies do not get pushed as far.
    Comments: The potential that this Mod has is unfortunately deterred by the fact that it does not work on shielded enemies, and a majority of enemies are shielded even in early campaigns.

    Shockwave MK2
    Power: 290
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 8 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 3 seconds
    Effect: Same effect as Shockwave MK1 but with an apparently slightly lower cooldown (and obvious more damage).
    Comments: See comments above for Shockwave MK1.
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    Shockwave MK3
    Power: 2890
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 2 seconds
    Effect: A significant decrease in both individual and universal cooldown renders this tier a much more effective Mod than its predecessors,though shielded enemies are still unaffected by it.
    Comments: See comments above for Shockwave MK1.

    Power: 160
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: 4 homing rockets are released to damage nearby enemies.
    Comments: This Mod is like a powerful Rocket Shot but with 4 missiles, but plagued by the fact that it has a very long individual cooldown. It is still useful though for clusters of enemies or bosses.

    Power: 890
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: Similar to SWARM MK1 but with more damage.
    Comments: See comments for SWARM MK1.

    Power: 3160
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: The highest damaging SWARM tier but with the same cooldown limits.
    Comments: The cooldown is more forgivable with the fact that the damage is much higher. The only downside is finding a weapon with enough power to wield it, making this weapon quite inaccessible until you've amassed enough dough to purchase a powerful weapon or upgrades.

    Air Strike MK1
    Power: 100
    Class: X
    Individual Cooldown: ?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: Unleashes a huge barrage of missiles from the sky that reign huge damage and death upon the enemies within your screenview.
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    Air Strike MK2
    Power: 400
    Class: X
    Individual Cooldown: ?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: Unleashes a huge barrage of missiles from the sky that reign huge damage and death upon the enemies within your screenview.
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    Air Strike MK3
    Power: 3800
    Class: X
    Individual Cooldown: ?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: Unleashes a huge barrage of missiles from the sky that reign huge damage and death upon the enemies within your screenview.
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    IV. Defensive Mods

    Bro-ccelarator MK1
    Power: 47
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: ?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: Allows your character to run much faster for X seconds. Exactly how much faster is uncertain.
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    Bro-ccelarator MK2
    Power: 244
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 42 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: Allows your character to run much faster for 8 seconds. Exactly how much faster is uncertain.
    Comments: This Mod is great for escaping tough situations, but the cooldown lasts quite long, forcing your character to choose another mode of defense while waiting for it to end. This mod is especially useful in chasing down those pesky satellite enemies when you are aiming for your "gold" time.

    Bro-ccelarator MK3
    Power: 3030
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 1 minute 42 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 8 seconds
    Effect: Allows your character to run much faster for 13 seconds. Exactly how much faster is uncertain.
    Comments: With one of the longest individual cooldown out of all the Mods, this tier will allow you to run far away, especially in those harder missions where health is an issue and you have not amassed enough armor or speed yet.

    D-Coy MK1
    Power: 51
    Class: B
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 5 seconds
    Effect: Produces a stationary decoy of a bro for 5.5 seconds which enemies will attack. Note that enemies closer to you will still attack you.
    Comments: This Mod can be a real life saver if you're low on health. Combined with a Bro-ccelarator Mod and a Shield Mod, you'll be tough to hit. It doesn't last too long, however.

    D-Coy MK2
    Power: 233
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 21 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 10 seconds
    Effect: Produces a stationary decoy of a bro for 10.5 seconds which enemies will attack. Note that enemies closer to you will still attack you.
    Comments: The decoy lasts a lot longer but you will have to wait longer as well to use other Mods (+5 seconds universal cooldown compared to tier 1).
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    D-Coy MK3
    Power: 1436
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown:?
    Universal Cooldown: ?
    Effect: Produces a stationary decoy of a bro for X seconds which enemies will attack. Note that enemies closer to you will still attack you.
    Comments: Have not found this Mod tier yet.

    Shield MK1
    Power: 63
    Class: C
    Individual Cooldown: 22 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 2 seconds
    Effect: Produces a shield around you that blocks all enemy attacks for 2 seconds.
    Comments: A very short-lived shield, this Mod absorbs all attacks from enemies for you. By the time you have enough firepower though the Shield MK2 should easily replace this Mod.

    Shield MK2
    Power: 319
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 43 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: Produces a shield around you that blocks all enemy attacks for 4 seconds.
    Comments: If survival is an issue or if you're in a campaign full of clusters of enemy gunfire, you can probably use the Shield MK2 over the Shield MK3 simply due to the fact that an individual cooldown for the MK2 is much shorter than the MK3.

    Shield MK3
    Power: 3182
    Class: A
    Individual Cooldown: 1 minute 5 seconds
    Universal Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Effect: Produces a shield around you that blocks all enemy attacks for 6 seconds.
    Comments: This mod may be a bit broken compared to the Shield MK2, considering 2 more seconds of shielding is all you get for a 22 second longer individual cooldown.

    V. Revision History

    3/27/13: Guide created
    3/28/13: Updated some descriptions. Added pictures on screen instead of link.
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    you reminds me of someone who spend his life doing something just like this.
    like playing games is not time consuming enough and you had to come out with this..
    i hope you get paid for this and i hope you did not spend 1-2 months doing this?
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    Anyway, you will be writing something like this for the new game, FL-DDay?
    I'll be your fan reader...
    If its free-why not?
    Just the thought of you writing all the stuff down and doing all the screen capture is simply mind-boggling?
    None of the admins or customer support will do such a hefty job like what you did?
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    @Franco I do this for fun and in my free time. If I have a plan of action for my guides, which I usually do, it does not take more than 6 hours to complete a decently comprehensive guide. The hardest part is keeping up with the updates. I've got a full-time job as a pharmacist and don't need money. As long as someone learns something new I am content.
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    FrancisFrancis Registered Users, Moderators 591 Posts

    Please don't pay attention to the troll. This one has been trying to disrupt our forum for several months now. He likes to cause trouble, He has a fascination with Glu and the Admins.

    Don't let him discourage you. He will come back and we will ban him again and so on and so forth.

    Thanks for the helpful information about the game i'm sure many users will find it very useful. this is exactly what the community is all about ... sharing information and enjoying the games.
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    TommyTommy Registered Users 22 Posts
    Great guide and well written :) Only recommendation I have is to use pictures or some people may get bored by just reading text.
    Web Developer
    Game Center: Devistations
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    someGUYwithADHDsomeGUYwithADHD Registered Users 52 Posts
    Nice man! Very nice guide.
    YES.... I REALLY have A.D.H.D., why is that so hard to believe?

    "A man who makes no mistakes, is a man who does nothing at all." -Favorite Quote
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    adaminkkadaminkk Registered Users 52 Posts
    Great, thanks a lot! I appreciate your effort in creating this guide.
    I tried to change my avatar, now I can't even see my face. Kids, don't change your avatar :p
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    dilg2012dilg2012 Registered Users 358 Posts
    I believe what I would be saying has already been said. Kudos. I can relate to spending time on doing something that others can benefit from.

    Off topic question: What is the best way to incorporate pictures? Something to be added to the forum of CKZ2.
    The Wolf Pack are my friends, like all others whom I have the pleasure to know. You have my respect because you deserve it - the same way I expect this respect from you as well.
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts
    Per request I've added pictures on the posts as opposed to links to the pictures.

    @dilg2012 I suppose it depends on how some people prefer to view guides. Some forumers think pictures are too cumbersome and in the way of the "meat" of the post while others find it better to [.img][./img] them onto the post (makes it more interesting to read through). Some other forums I've been on incorporate them as attachments at the end of a post only so a thread is not bombarded with huge pictures.
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    E92m3v8E92m3v8 Registered Users 12 Posts
    @Franco I do this for fun and in my free time. If I have a plan of action for my guides, which I usually do, it does not take more than 6 hours to complete a decently comprehensive guide. The hardest part is keeping up with the updates. I've got a full-time job as a pharmacist and don't need money. As long as someone learns something new I am content.

    Thanks for the time and effort in putting this together. Just curious, you work at a retail or hospital pharmacy? I know it's off topic but its good to know that there is another pharmacist that plays this game. I work at Walmart and I play this game as my way of venting my frustrations that come along working as a retail pharmacist. Lol
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    PhysiologicPhysiologic Registered Users 16 Posts

    @E92m3v8 I actually work in a nuclear pharmacy. Mostly night shift so no doctors or nurses or patients or insurance to deal with...:) We mainly make radiolabeled biomarkers to image tumors, metastatic bone disease and amyloid plaques (Alzheimer's) in PET scans. Awesome breathing room from working retail.
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    ChicagoEMSChicagoEMS Registered Users 22 Posts
    @physoilogic GREAT GUIDE!!! What guns do you recommend purchasing with xplodium for long term investments I'm just starting out! Chain guns or lasers or rifles??? I have no problem farming just want a lil advice! Loved the game!!!
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