
Last Update (sign in with Google) error

nutcracker923nutcracker923 Registered Users 2 Posts
I'm playing this game in my Samsung s3 phone and last night it automatically updated.
It says about Sign in with Google and whenever i tried to open the game, it keeps on loading and it's taking forever. Can anyone please help me on how to fix this? I had uninstalled the game and installed it back again but still not working. Dont know what to do now...


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    rpontillanorpontillano Registered Users 1 Posts
    I'm playing this game in my Samsung s3 phone and last night it automatically updated.
    It says about Sign in with Google and whenever i tried to open the game, it keeps on loading and it's taking forever. Can anyone please help me on how to fix this? I had uninstalled the game and installed it back again but still not working. Dont know what to do now...

    I have the same problem. Even went to resetting my S3 firmware but still the same issue.
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    HoloScoutHoloScout Registered Users 18 Posts
    Same with me, I cannot play any Glu games now because they are either extremely slow with consistent freezing or just force close after closing ads. I have sent a support ticket, so I am going to wait for them to reply, hopefully with something good and not "Reinstall game". :p
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