
Attack Rating

WinterHordeWinterHorde Registered Users 96 Posts
Is attack rating the most useless passive in the game, or is it just my humble opinion?
I didn't notice any change in hit chance with different monster levels and hit misses are fairly rare even without any bonuses applied. I'm not sure how much attack rating bonus would improve my party, even if it's a big one.
Do you tend to put skill points in this one?


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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    I like to max out everything I can at least for my main fighting party. Of course there are times when the upgrade glitches and I don't get the chance to buy the extra skill point. In those cases I will short a skill that is not critical to the main function of the hero. For example, being able to hit is absolutely critical for Kassia because a lot of fights hang on her ability to ice a one-hit-wonder. If the ice arrow misses the fight is lost.

    Here's my list of non-maxed skills:
    Felmor: Perception (crit chance). A tank's job is to take damage so increasing the Crit chance is nice but not a top priority.
    Kassia: Swiftness. She's ranged so she never has to rush to a target and kiting is a secondary skill.
    Oda: ditto on Kassia
    Tlanac: ditto on Kassia
    Zdar: Perception and wisdom. Zdar was particularly damaged by the upgrade glitch. I ended up four points shy of max and so shorted each by two. The critical damage is shorted because it only affects a small percentage of hits. Wisdom because it's only used in a small percentage of attacks (and I have no idea how it's applied).
    NarGal: I've only got him to level 36 but I plan on shorting Strength (crit damage).
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    WinterHordeWinterHorde Registered Users 96 Posts
    But what if you didn't put points into Kassia's attack rating at all? How much would it effect her ability (or inability) to hit her targets?
    I think it would have a minor effect at best
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    But what if you didn't put points into Kassia's attack rating at all? How much would it effect her ability (or inability) to hit her targets?
    I think it would have a minor effect at best

    I agree that they don't seem to miss much so it may not matter to you. But if you spend an hour getting to the last fight on a really hard mission and you all die because your ice arrow missed the critical boss...
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    WinterHordeWinterHorde Registered Users 96 Posts
    ok I see your point although I'm not sure I'm convinced it's worth the skill points. Come to think of it, none of the passive skills gives us results we can measure or see clearly, except for the speed and damage boosters
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    ok I see your point although I'm not sure I'm convinced it's worth the skill points. Come to think of it, none of the passive skills gives us results we can measure or see clearly, except for the speed and damage boosters

    - Attack speed can be demonstrated by stripping all bonus items and counting the attacks in a one-minute period with a healer healing. The best thing about it is that it does stack whereas bonus items don't stack. (Testing will all vs only best item renders the same result).
    - Power boosts your base DPS. Look at the postings listing the calculations and you'll see it makes a substantial difference
    - Dodge and Block can be tested like attack speed. Go against a ranged opponent and keep kiting away. Count the hit/dodge ration over 50 attacks (throw out misses)
    - Vampirism is an obvious win. Every hit puts red numbers on the monster and smaller green numbers on Felmor. With a good weapon Felmor can go a lot longer without healing leaving you free to help out the poor sap who got caught off guard.
    - Focus is another obvious win. Cooldown speeds either decrease or they don't. Testing is easy.
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    WinterHordeWinterHorde Registered Users 96 Posts
    That's basically what I meant, I just didn't use the skills names. Damage (power) boosters and speed (movement and attack) boosters. Forgot about vampirism though :)
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