
Why can't I get pass the 6000 rating in PVP ?

stef007stef007 Registered Users 31 Posts
I am in 18th position on the leaderboard " , however after lots & lots more battles in PVP and Revenge , I don't seem to get any higher than 6000 in rating , even so I'm battling players with higher ranks and ratings , why is that ?? Can anyone shed some light on this please , many thanks.


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    ke!!yke!!y Registered Users 12 Posts
    stef007 wrote: »
    I am in 18th position on the leaderboard " , however after lots & lots more battles in PVP and Revenge , I don't seem to get any higher than 6000 in rating , even so I'm battling players with higher ranks and ratings , why is that ?? Can anyone shed some light on this please , many thanks.

    I do not have a good answer for you. It sounds like the game's database my be corrupted. If you have not done so, check all other game stats to determine if other stats are frozen. Check for achievements that are now incomplete that were previously complete. If database corruption is the case, the only option is to play until stats catch back up to previously high level.

    For example, my Game Center headshot total was frozen at 1392 because flc2 was telling Game Center I had far less head shots. I image something similar might be happening to your ranking.
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    ke!!yke!!y Registered Users 12 Posts
    Having just reached rating 6000, the rating is a hard cap in the game. The game will no longer offer rating points after a PvP battle once 6000 is reached.

    FYI - My position on the rating leader board was #716 when I had 5993 rating points. Once I reached 6000 my position on the leader board jumped to #24.
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    stef007stef007 Registered Users 31 Posts
    Hi Ke!!y , thank you for all your help,insights,answers , it all very much appreciated , the game did exactly the same to me , I must ave been something like #750 then jumped straight to #14 @6000 then no more rating points ;)
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    ke!!yke!!y Registered Users 12 Posts
    *** UPDATE ***
    Players are now able to earn greater than 6000 rating points.
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    WWar2WWar2 Registered Users 1 Posts
    the limit is 7500 pv
    exept Evilution 7501 pv (Cheater)
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