
New PVP: Where's My End of Tourney Reward... etc.???

Mycroft3000Mycroft3000 Registered Users 15 Posts
The new PVP Tourney has been over for about 4 hours and it says a new one doesn't start for 3 days. I have a couple main questions for the moderators/glu staff:

1) I completed the 5th level several times and had a "2 times" chance for the main prize(s), yet I haven't gotten notice of any post-tourney prize at all. Is there a bug, is it not coming, should we expect it to come when the new tourney starts . . . what's the deal???

2) The new PVP Tourney seems excessively long as it is. 2 days should be sufficient, 4 is a long time. But I definitely was not expecting a 3 day wait for the next one to start!! Is that going to stay that way? I figured the next tourney would start immediately as that is how it is w/other games I've played w/similar set-ups.

Finally, the new PVP tourney was pretty buggy off & on compared to how the game has been overall thus far. If you want to know the kinds of issues I encountered, just ask & I will elaborate.



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    GluAdminGluAdmin Administrator 2,464 Posts
    Hey there,
    If you still haven't received your tournament prize, you'll need to contact Customer Care.

    For iOS and general support: support@glu.com
    For Android support: androidsupport@glu.com

    We usually have 1 or 2 tournaments per week and they won't usually start immediately after the previous one ended.
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    androidandroid Registered Users 23 Posts
    How come when I checked in a few minutes ago, it says "no internet connection..." and the new pvp arena is still blank? It's 8:30am, May 13, here in San Francisco right now.
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