
Finisher sniper rifle - cannot upgrade, game crashes

hlgccbirdshlgccbirds Registered Users 4 Posts
I received the Finisher Sniper Rifle after using 20 gold on an Elite Spec mystery Crate. Every time I go to upgrade it, the game freezes and then crashes. This had happened at least ten times with no success. I am playing the game on an iPhone 5, and have shut the phone off, re-set it and then tried again. No luck, I cannot upgrade the weapon, and then it crashes. Anyone else have this problem? Please advise


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    stef007stef007 Registered Users 31 Posts
    mine doesn't show the cash nor the gold icons to be able to upgrade it .
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    tuannttuannt Registered Users 2 Posts
    Anyone help pls, i have the same problem.
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    TotallyNotSteveTotallyNotSteve Registered Users 221 Posts
    Please make sure that you have an active Internet connection, and then relaunch the game. That should solve the issue.
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    Kadir332Kadir332 Registered Users 1 Posts
    i have the active connection, same problem here. it happens also for Dismantler
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    jonhock1jonhock1 Registered Users 6 Posts
    I know this won't help much but I had the same problem for about a week and then
    one day it miraculously started accepting upgrades. I had tried all of the things you guys
    did but nothing worked. It just kinda worked itself out on its own.
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