
Regin 7, Bow Hunt 17

RgustafsonRgustafson Registered Users 10 Posts
I've tried a couple dozen times to get thru this level and nothing is working. My weapon is fully upgraded yet the arrows are missing target. I've aimed at center mass, led target, aimed high, aimed low and I've got maybe 2 hits out of hundreds of shots. Never had this problem on different areas.
Any help??


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    Roland DeschainRoland Deschain Registered Users 303 Posts
    I don't remember that particular hunt, but I had something odd happen during the bow series.

    Sometimes when two dinos were near each other, I would aim at the red circle on one, but it would hit the red circle on the other. It happened too many times and I started to notice it. It was frustrating because I wanted to concentrate my hits on just one dino at a time. It was forcing me to "share the pain" and waste shots.

    I did finally get through the hunt successfully, but it made it harder to accomplish that.
    Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 and iPad
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    RgustafsonRgustafson Registered Users 10 Posts
    I noticed that also in this region during bow hunts. I still can't get past the 17th bow hunt. It has to do with killing the flying ones.
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    Roland DeschainRoland Deschain Registered Users 303 Posts

    Now I remember that hunt. Yeah, I shot many arrows into the air as well. What I did was to try to shoot one of the flying lizards that is close. If you hit it, keep track of it, ignore the rest. It will turn to attack. Wait until it gets relatively close and finish it with one good shot.

    Hit it and there is one down, miss it and you are toast. It will be a straight on shot at a good sized body mass. In the long run, you will be able to complete the hunt by using this approach.

    Good hunting!!
    Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 and iPad
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