
Math assistance please: calculating Run for All Players

StarCatStarCat Registered Users 269 Posts
Not ready, know, and would want the IOS update from Glu. But I'm not sure how to determine how close I am. Would someone smarter than me be wiling to help me calculate, and show me how to do it on my own? Here's what I have:

Blue Cash:553,000
Late Round picks:122
2nd Round picks: 35
3* Players (inactive): 35
4* players (active & inactive):125

And I believe I'll need approximately 11,000 gold

<This is an correction for the original post: I have thirty-five 3.5* players, NOT thirty-five 3* players>


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    Clark22Clark22 Registered Users, Member 324 Posts
    Not counting the late rounders you have 195 of the nearly 800 needed. I think there are 150ish 4.5 to 5 star players. About 11-12k gold will work if you draft during a sale on draft picks.

    So it looks like you need the gold plus enough for about 600 second round picks.

    Someone else can correct my math if I'm off but I think this is pretty close. Good luck! It took me a few months of steady play to finally do this.
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    StarCatStarCat Registered Users 269 Posts
    Thanks for taking the time to think about and reply to my query, Clark! Below is some math I've got so far, with some numbers that I don't know where to place. Please tell me me what you think (Clark or anyone).

    From a previous post somewhere, if you start the drafting with the late round picks, there are approximately 740 of these. Then moving on to the 2nd rounders next, there are 240ish of those. So right now I have:

    553K in blue cash, which represents 553 late round draft picks, + 122 not-yet-used late round picks, = 675 late round picks

    35 unused 2nd round picks

    But what about the 35 3.5* players - do these count as late round picks or 2nd round picks?

    Do the 125 4* players I have (all the 4* players in the game) count as 2nd rounders?
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    Jays808Jays808 Registered Users 31 Posts
    StarCat wrote: »
    Thanks for taking the time to think about and reply to my query, Clark! Below is some math I've got so far, with some numbers that I don't know where to place. Please tell me me what you think (Clark or anyone).

    From a previous post somewhere, if you start the drafting with the late round picks, there are approximately 740 of these. Then moving on to the 2nd rounders next, there are 240ish of those. So right now I have:

    553K in blue cash, which represents 553 late round draft picks, + 122 not-yet-used late round picks, = 675 late round picks

    35 unused 2nd round picks

    But what about the 35 3.5* players - do these count as late round picks or 2nd round picks?

    Do the 125 4* players I have (all the 4* players in the game) count as 2nd rounders?

    The 3.5* players and 4* players would both count as 2nd rounds.
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    Hey StarCat:

    I drafted all players 2nd round and above, and decided not to take any late rounders. I did this partly based on the issue of too many inactives and the subsequent problem of game lag. It has worked out pretty good. This strategy allows me to play the game and make changes to my roster. Yes, loading and time between games is slower, but playable.

    I wanted to keep the better players on my roster so hat when a ratings change occurs, most likely I will already have him on my team.

    I know it will cost more in blue cash to implement this strategy, nut I think it's worth it. If there was an update to handle the extra inactives, I might have done it differently. I don't remember how much it exactly cost me, but I want to say over 2.5 million in blue cash and I think over 12,000 in gold. Sorry, I just don't remember.

    I still have over 600,000 left in blue cash, as I just don't use it anymore.

    Again, thanks to everyone on this forum, I had enough information to think about a viable strategy to get the players I wanted, without creating an issue in game play.
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    StarCatStarCat Registered Users 269 Posts
    Lawman (or anyone else): using the strategy of only drafting 2nd rounders and up, to possess all 2nd round players, I would need all 3.5* star players, and all 4* players; that's certain. Would I need all 4.5* players, too? How about 3* players? Lower than that?

    How many total 2nd round players are there? <As Lawman suggests, not drafting late rounders at all>

    I'd like to also echo Lawman's thanks to folks on this forum for your helpfulness!
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    By drafting the second rounders, I obtained players up to 4 stars. The 4.5 players and above I obtained only with the use of gold and only after taking out the second rounders. That's how I remember it. It does cost a lot more to do it this way, that's a given, but like I said, I still have the ability to play the game, and with functionality. In all honesty StarCat, I wasn't sure exactly of what to expect from my strategy, only that it seemed the best option based on the current system. If there is a better way to do it, I'm convinced someone on this forum will figure it out!!!
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    dtrain987dtrain987 Registered Users 198 Posts
    Starting from scratch -- If you skip the late rounders like Lawman did, you need to draft approximately 780 second round picks (1.5 through 4*), and then the approximate 150 first round picks (4.5 and 5*) to get them all. This method, from scratch, takes about 3.1 million blue cash and 11,250 gold altogether. This will leave you with somewhere around 900 inactives, which depending on what device you use, may allow you to still play the game and edit your roster as you see fit.

    Now, doing the math, if you choose this method, let's add up what you've already got and subtract that amount from the amount needed to pull it off.

    553,000 blue cash
    140,000 worth of 2nd round picks (35 x $4,000)
    140,000 worth of 3.5* players (35 x $4,000)
    500,000 worth of 4* players (125 x $4,000)

    That comes out to 1,333,000 worth of blue cash, meaning you need approximately 1.8 million more to do this method, plus the 11,250 gold. The late round picks you have saved up are kind of worthless with this method, as they are going to draft a bunch of 1* players for you and clog up your inactives list instead of keeping it lower... And that's the opposite of the goal of this method.

    My next post will explain the method I used.
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    dtrain987dtrain987 Registered Users 198 Posts
    Starting from scratch -- if you do the method I chose, which is to draft every single player, this is the breakdown. There are approximately 770 late round picks (1* through 3*), and then approximately 240 second round picks to draft (3.5* through 4*), and then the approximate 150 first round picks (4.5 through 5*). This method from scratch, takes about 1.73 million blue cash and 11,250 gold. However, this will leave you with 1,147 inactives, which makes it NEAR impossible to play any games and edit your lineup. You would basically have to trade all your inactives in to be able to use the app anymore. (That's why if you do this method, do it all at once in one day-- don't try to draft a few hundred, play some games, draft more later)

    Now doing the math, if you choose this method, let's add up what you've already got and subtract that amount from the amount needed to pull it off.

    553,000 blue cash
    140,000 worth of 2nd round draft picks (35 x $4,000)
    140,000 worth of 3.5* players (35 x $4,000)
    500,000 worth of 4* players (125 x $4,000)
    122,000 worth of late round draft picks (122 x $1,000)

    That comes out to 1,455,000 worth of blue cash, meaning you need approximately 275,000 more blue cash to do this method, along with the 11,250 gold. Just keep in mind you will have to trade in all your inactives at the end, as the game won't be playable saving them.

    I chose this method as I was not patient enough to save up 3 million cash. I drafted all the players in one night while watching TV, and it took about 3-4 hours of drafting over and over (mindlessly clicking to stop the draft wheel and then clicking again to open the next pick).

    When I finished. I was able to edit my batting lineup but not my pitching lineup. I had to uninstall and reinstall the app a couple of times, but each time I logged back in, I was able to swap out a batter. I took this opportunity to swap out Justin Upton, Paul Goldschmidt and a few others to swap in Trout, VMart, and a few bench guys that I liked. The game will inevitable put a few guys in your lineup that you want to switch out, depending on what order you draft them. The pitching tab crashed my app every time so I was not able to edit the pitchers I was left with.

    Anyway, after all that, I traded in my inactives and was left with a stacked 5* team, and now I've been playing the 1,200 gold tourneys to draft some of the 5* guys I dumped when I cleared the inactives out. I believe I have the best possible lineup-- but, I could use a couple different 5* pitchers to finally complete my dream team. So hopefully soon I will grab Jose Fernandez, Johnny Cueto and Masahiro Tanaka.

    This thread had some more info about my drafting process when I did it a few weeks ago:

    P.S. Sorry for a few typos in there. Auto correct killed me and it was too much text to go through and edit on my phone. Lol
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts

    I have 857 inactives, so you are pretty close. The blue cash and gold amounts seem accurate too.

    As I explained, I did not want to trade in my inactives, and basically wanted all players 3.5 stars and above on my roster.

    The loading is slower, and in between games is slower, but game play is fine.

    Your method is much cheaper in terms of blue cash. I guess it all comes down to what you want to accomplish in the end.
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    dtrain987dtrain987 Registered Users 198 Posts
    Absolutely. I give you props for having the patience to save up so much more cash!

    I think eventually I want to collect up all the remaining 5* guys (I have about 39 of the 70 so far) and then maybe start on collecting up the 4.5* players. Should keep my inactive list low enough in the end.
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    Sounds like a good plan DTrain. I'm still not sure why there hasn't been an update to assist with managing inactives better. Jemic seems to be the man in the know with such things.
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    StarCatStarCat Registered Users 269 Posts
    You guys absolutely rock. Dtrain, thanks for all the calculations, and the significant amount of time you spent explaining your strategy in detail. Wow.
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    StarCatStarCat Registered Users 269 Posts
    Dtrain987: What device did you use to do the drafting? I have an iPhone 5S
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    dtrain987dtrain987 Registered Users 198 Posts
    I used an iPhone 6
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    SurfinZapdosSurfinZapdos Registered Users 152 Posts
    what device have you been using lawman? I'm currently in the process of drafting all second round picks. I have 566 right now, and I wouldn't want the lag to get worse than it is. I'm current using an iPhone 6. Oh and I also put Sandoval back in my lineup for arenado. I forgot how much I love he switch hitting!
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    I use an iPad Air
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts

    I'm glad putting the Panda back in your lineup has worked out. Awesome!!!
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    SurfinZapdosSurfinZapdos Registered Users 152 Posts
    ~Lawman~ wrote: »
    I use an iPad Air
    iPad air or air 2?? I'm asking because apparently the iPhone 6 processor is just barely faster than the air. Air 2 is way ahead!
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    gregadamsgregadams Registered Users 298 Posts
    i used an iPad Air 2. I have 920 inactives. It takes about one minute and fifteen seconds to load.
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    SurfinZapdosSurfinZapdos Registered Users 152 Posts
    gregadams wrote: »
    i used an iPad Air 2. I have 920 inactives. It takes about one minute and fifteen seconds to load.

    Man that does not sound appealing. Oh well I'll continue going for it and just hope for an update.
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    gregadamsgregadams Registered Users 298 Posts
    We're all hoping for that. :0)
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    ~Lawman~~Lawman~ Registered Users 370 Posts
    I have the original iPad Air.
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