
Pick offs need to be updated!

ThorinOakThorinOak Registered Users 10 Posts
I would assume, and hope, that you would like this to simulate real baseball as close as possible. To that end, very rarely is a base runner so confused as to attempt to steal when the the pitcher throws to first. Most times they are smart enough to wait for a pitch home to try. As it is now every time a steal and throw over coincide the runner is out. Maybe make it so throwing over affects the jump of the runner, but to have the runner try to steal and be out automatically is ridiculous.


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    BommbsOverBaghdadBommbsOverBaghdad Registered Users 163 Posts
    totally agree. they need to make it so you can at least be given the choice to consider stealing after every pitch as well. stealing home would be nice too. apparently you can't steal when runners are on 1st and 2nd. ugh. so many small yet frustrating annoyances in this game. this game has so much more potential. Glu just has to get their heads out of their asses.
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    MunicipalMunicipal Registered Users 20 Posts
    Or at least let there be an error now and then with the throw to first
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