
Please Help - No rewards received!

SpartySparty Registered Users 8 Posts
The club I'm in (winning ugly) took first in our prime event, yet we received no rewards (Mauer or progress). This is unfair, we spent time and resources for nothing? Please fix this glu..


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    KoreanDynamitesKoreanDynamites Registered Users 4 Posts
    I had same problem with them. So unfair. My full weekends are denied.
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    KoreanDynamitesKoreanDynamites Registered Users 4 Posts
    My club name was pgh pirates and my team name is koreandynamites. But now i left there after nothing was gotten. So sucks
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    SaleSale Registered Users 5 Posts
    This needs to be fixed immediately. My club worked hard and won and we need the reward we earned.
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    SaleSale Registered Users 5 Posts
    My club deserves the rewards we earned. Please fix your game so it works properly.
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    YaknationYaknation Registered Users 6 Posts
    Yeah, this also happened to my club, currycantball. Placed first and got past the 1mil progress marker, yet it said we earned no rewards for the event.
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    SpartySparty Registered Users 8 Posts
    still no rewards. This is completely unfair. Red trunk, can you do anything?
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    redtrunkredtrunk Administrator, Moderators 150 Posts
    Hey there, sorry you're having these issues. They should be fixed now - try going back to your club to collect the rewards. Let me know if that doesn't work.
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    SpartySparty Registered Users 8 Posts
    Thank you so much! I appreciate it, was really worried but you guys came through! Thanks!
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    YaknationYaknation Registered Users 6 Posts
    Thanks redtrunk and Glu! Was able to collect.
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    SaleSale Registered Users 5 Posts
    We had the same issues again this week. We got Ichiro but the progress rewards for tier 6 didn't come through. Please resolve this immediately.
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    southpaw533southpaw533 Registered Users, Member 34 Posts
    What happens when we collected the "non-prize" then left the club to start another?
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    SaleSale Registered Users 5 Posts
    Still waiting for the tier 6 reward we earned. When should we expect it to arrive?
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    SaleSale Registered Users 5 Posts
    We had an issue again for last week's main event. I have screenshots to prove it. Please give the members of my clu the rewards we earned for the main event.
    Group was Winning Ugly 2
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