
Auto-play hitting, errors in foul territory, and game realism

monetmonet Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
So something has been on my mind since the first Tap Baseball game came out:

How does the auto-play feature determine how well your team does against a certain pitcher? For example, if I play and hit really well against a certain pitcher, let's say....CC Sabathia, will that increase my team's hitting if I click on auto-play next time my team faces him? In my mind, Tap Baseball is trying to make the game as realistic as possible so if I have little trouble hitting CC Sabathia then the auto-play should reflect how I would hit.

Or, is it all solely by random computer generated based on stats and upgrades? I'm just curious because some games I could put up 15 runs, but struggle to score 1 against a 3 star pitcher. Is it because my team has not faced him?! Or I have struggled to score against him in the past?! Would love to hear input to this.

Also, I've never seen errors happening in foul territory! :( I've hit into 2 Triple Plays already and I've barely played a month...maybe that could be considered in the next update?


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    K-DK-D Registered Users 378 Posts
    As far as auto play no if your hitting good agajnst him live it won't help auto play out. Auto play is 100% random playing. Has nothing to do with current live hitting. Would be nice though is did
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    pj423pj423 Registered Users 95 Posts
    they used to have errors in foul territory, but i haven't seen any this year. as a matter of fact, once they dropped a foul pop on me, and then my guy on 3rd base scored even though its not really possible
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