
Question regarding sprint and weekend event

Mortdaddy93Mortdaddy93 Registered Users 33 Posts
What determines who you're competing against ? Cause I went and made a new account today and first place already has 415k


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    rmaff_10rmaff_10 Registered Users 7 Posts
    This might sound ridiculous, but I feel like some of the teams with extreme amounts of event points are not even real people. There was a guy in my personal competition who has an outrageous amount. I went to challenge him out of curiosity and I'm a rising star and he's all pro and our bars were nearly the same. It could be false but I feel like Glu might just have these bots just so they aren't giving out 1st place rewards to a lot of people.
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    K-DK-D Registered Users 378 Posts
    What determines who you're competing against ? Cause I went and made a new account today and first place already has 415k

    Doesn't mean cause you made a new club that the guys your grouped with did as well. So that is nothing out of the norm to see it just means that grouping wasn't full yet and had openings still and you got them as who your club we grouped with when you made the new team today
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