
Trade Deadline/Collections

eligoesbigeligoesbig Registered Users 13 Posts
So I haven't seen any other posts before on this and it kinda surprises me because it seem like something that would pi$$ a lot of people off. If my trade doesn't go through before the deadline, it gets canceled. You get the players back involved in the trade, but not all the gold I spent trying to get prime Chris Davis. Key word, "trying." As someone who doesn't spend money on this game, (besides the $.99 to get those ads off my a$$) I'm not going to spend gold to try to speed the trade up when it might end up not going through anyways. Now, I understand it doesn't make sense for a trade to occur after the trade deadline, but neither does getting the players for a trade and it not going through right away. I'm not saying that's how it should be, but at least compromise and make it so that the trade keeps going through the deadline until the player is received. Otherwise, I spent about 4000 gold for nothing which was basically all of my gold. Oh, and I also had a trade for Jason Kipnis that also got canceled.

Now, about collections. Does anyone else find it strange how you HAVE to spend loads of gold to get the elite player, and if you don't spend the money all the trophies obtained to get him are worth nothing? 2 weeks are spent picking a random card for seemingly no reason other than getting a handful of cash on the occasion (never gotten a pick or gold from it).

RedTrunk? Anyone? Thoughts???


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    TampaRoyalsTampaRoyals Registered Users 95 Posts
    There have been a few different threads about both of the topics you brought up.

    The trade feature is absolutely asinine. If you get the players for the trade, it should go through instantaneously. If you want to speed it up by spending the gold, it should go through. It usually (99%) doesn't.

    Be thankful you didn't spend the gold to speed it up because you would've lost that amount of gold and not have gotten it back. It took me an extra 4200 in gold for the Davis trade to go through. It took me about the same for the last player (Lincecum) trade to go through. If I gave up at 4,000, I would've lost that 4,000 and not gotten the player. That's another crazy feature of the trading block. You should get the gold back you put in to speed the trade up - but you don't.

    As for the collection feature, it takes a lot of gold to get Trout, but what do you expect? Get him for 1,000 gold?

    Some people who were extremely lucky got him for around 7,000. Others have spent around 45,000 to get him. I still haven't gotten him (50 silver away) and I've spent close to 30,000. Luckily, most of that gold was spent during the fan rewards. I've spent around 20,000 of the gold trying to get the last 50 silver I needed, so don't think that just because you're getting close that it's going to come as soon as you think. I'm almost double on the amount of gold and bronze trophies I need, but I still need the 50 silver.

    Elite Trout is an absolute stud though. Just don't spend gold on him until the fan rewards.
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    Ryan421Ryan421 Registered Users 55 Posts
    They add new features to the game for one reason, to make money. So while you may not like the system they've set up, they're not going to change it because you didn't benefit from it. They don't want it to be easy for you to get the best players in the game. They want to reel you in and make you spend money. They're a business, it's what they're built to do.
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    eligoesbigeligoesbig Registered Users 13 Posts
    I'm not saying collection is dumb because elite Trout takes too much gold to get. I'm saying it's dumb... and that's it. It's a dumb feature and they can think of something better than it to add to the game. Guys I'm not stupid. I understand why they add new features to the game. They're selfish and money hungry greedy businesspeople and yada yada yada... I get that. I can still voice my opinion on it and explain why it's stupid because saying "Gee that's dumb" and moving on doesn't do much for anyone.
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    astrosbaseball2016astrosbaseball2016 Registered Users, Member 317 Posts
    The info for the trades states that it's a players desire to be on your club, mixed with some luck... I was lucky enough for the Kipnis trade to go through in 3 tries.... And don't hate me... But I got Davis on my first try. Spent 2500 on KC fan pack to get Gordon.. But already had Betts from a multi-pack from a while before... And got Pedroia when there was a glitch and silver trade boxes were only 8k cash.

    It is way too hard to trade for players and it shouldn't be. I just got lucky.

    It should be possible to get Elite Trout during the time frame... And that doesn't seem possible at all. They should have done it where you get 250 of each medal and that gets you regular Trout... And then if you get 250 more, you get awesome Trout.
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    grantile123grantile123 Registered Users 304 Posts
    When you spend 100 gold to try and get another pick of a card and all three choices are bonus games, That is ripping people off. There should always at least be a trophy card. You have a 66% chance of NOT getting a trophy card to begin with even if you spend gold, but to make it a 0% chance is preposterous.
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    gocubsgo0128gocubsgo0128 Registered Users, Member 272 Posts
    Not sure if I have bad luck or not but I always seem to pick the worst of the 3 options, I wonder is what you get really predetermined and what they show you is what see what you coulda had so this is a good deal.... buy another kinda like on the lottery scratch off you are always sooo close to a winner
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    tbattitbatti Registered Users 433 Posts
    Not sure if I have bad luck or not but I always seem to pick the worst of the 3 options, I wonder is what you get really predetermined and what they show you is what see what you coulda had so this is a good deal.... buy another kinda like on the lottery scratch off you are always sooo close to a winner

    Of course it is predetermined. They program the % chance and that's what you get.
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    astrosbaseball2016astrosbaseball2016 Registered Users, Member 317 Posts
    I've gotten 50 gold, 10x bonus games, 4-star pitcher, 100 bronze, 50 bronze, 10k cash, and even a franchise player once.... I've seen 300 gold, 500 gold, 100 gold trophy, 50 gold trophy, etc..... It seems they just put those there to tempt you into spending your gold.
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    TampaRoyalsTampaRoyals Registered Users 95 Posts
    I've gotten 500 gold on a few different occasions. Ultimately, it comes down to your luck.

    No reason to spend your own gold until the fan rewards.
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    FearTheBeardFearTheBeard Registered Users 3 Posts
    I don't know if I just had good luck getting Trout, but I think I only spent around 10k and along the way got Bumgarner, Kershaw, Donaldson, more than a few of 500 gold, a bunch of #1's, and ended up with around $1.5 million in cash. All in addition to Trout. More than worth it in my experience, but everyone has different luck.
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