
Active 3.5 Star Team Looking for Club

ObiwansanobiObiwansanobi Registered Users 3 Posts
I have an active club with a 3.5 star club. I contribute decent points often, giving 20k+ on Tuesday and 50k+ last weekend but had a subpar club that wasn't competing enough to push me harder. I have 66 bonus games to burn today. Game name is same as username.


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    RAGE4334RAGE4334 Registered Users 16 Posts
    I will send invite to Swshtheadz . In top 30 currently with about 7 contributing, like 4 u to take a look.
    Have a multiplier for next event .
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    NjredsNjreds Registered Users 5 Posts
    Join Triple Win and get triple win protection this weekend. Currently ranked #1. Participants needed to keep.
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