
Newby Tips


So I just started playing 2 days ago (I'm at Amateur level now). It seems I've joined a pretty decent club, I just want to know like what strategy I should be focusing on in my current position? I've won about 35 games, do I just need to play the club tournaments and focus on that?

I'd really like to know what I need to do to best build my roster up as well. Mystery boxes? #1 pick drafts? I've been slowly building up with cash through Free Agency as the other drafts seem to be about half useless at this point, I can't get hardly a 3-star to save my life. Should I just be spending cash on the roster upgrades only? Most of the random matches I start don't ever pan out (no one plays back).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!


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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    Use available cash to upgrade your team. Focus on pitching first then batting. Do not level up when it come to winning a playoff. The higher you get the harder it is to win. So don't play the playoff games.nas your team gets better the game will auto promote you to he next level. Don't waste gold on draft picks they seldom give you a good player. Keep playing lots
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    grantile123grantile123 Registered Users 304 Posts
    Agreed with Cheeseman stay as low as you can for as long as you can. Watch asmany videos as you can and hoard your gold. Draft picks are a waste ( again as Cheeseman said) spend your gold during fan rewards, better to spend and earn a known decent player than spend on a miniscule chance of getting one in a draft.
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    Awesome, thanks guys. What are the fan rewards? Do they just pop up randomly? Just want to make sure I know where to go when they do show up. Thanks!
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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    They show up on Friday afternoon. Gold spent during this event goes towards different rewards usually players. For instance if you spend 10000 gold during this time you would get a 5 star player
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    Cool, thanks Cheeseman!

    I'm already feeling the burn of getting up to Amateur status. It's almost impossible to win a game, I'm about 50/50 at this point. Just trying to stick onto a club to get the max rewards possible. I've watched all the videos, now it says there's no more available. I almost wish I could just wipe my progress clean and start fresh. Any ideas how I could do this? I logged into my G+ account to save my progress....
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    ndxndx Registered Users, Member 34 Posts
    To not level up play the easier torneys and leagues and don't do bonus games as much as possible.
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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    You can start a new team at any time. Just go to settings and logout. You can then start a new team just create a new account and use any email address you want so you don't lose the team. The email address does not have to be valid
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    Ha, easier said than done. When I go to log out it just sits & spins, won't log me out. I guess I can blow away all the saved data in the app manager yeah?
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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    Couldn't hurt as long as you don't care about the old team
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    Started over, one last question Cheeseman. When you say use cash to upgrade my team, do you mean purchase better players with cash or just solely spend cash on the upgrades?
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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    Soley spend on upgrades. You will get the odd draft pick from winning games
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    So what's the best game playing strategy in Rookie mode? Do I just want to get a bunch of Random match games going or focus on like the Intro tournaments? Leagues? Just trying to figure out the most efficient way to grow the team/get cash/gold etc.
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    gocubsgo0128gocubsgo0128 Registered Users, Member 272 Posts
    Random Games.... Play tourny's and league only during the club events.......
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    FightingTrautsFightingTrauts Registered Users 34 Posts
    Well I haven't even upgraded to Novice yet so that's out of the option for me now... But yeah random games seem to be working (for those people that actually will play back).

    What about Autoplay, is there an advantage to when to use that thing? Do a lot of people just hit Autoplay or actually play the game? I heard people talking about using it when they're down runs and they can get caught up. Should I just be doing a ton of Autoplay up front too?
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