
Are players moved to inactive supposed to lose all stats?

dmcnair81dmcnair81 Registered Users 20 Posts
I meant to ask this question a while back, but forgot until now. I had a player in my lineup a while back that got automatically replaced when I drafted someone supposedly a little better, but the other player had a better hit rating so I put him back in the lineup. I noticed that all of his hitting stats had been reset back to 0. Is this by design, or was/is there a bug that's causing this? I'm afraid of drafting now because I'm afraid I'm going to get a "better" 2nd baseman that's going to automatically replace the one I have who has the most hits on the team and is closing in on the 3000 hit achievement.


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    2weighlift2weighlift Registered Users 66 Posts
    Yes, stats get reset. I do this to reset my team stats from time to time so I can better compare their progress.
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    2weighlift wrote: »
    Yes, stats get reset. I do this to reset my team stats from time to time so I can better compare their progress.

    Good call. Hadn't thought of it that way.
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    MvpdonaldsonMvpdonaldson Registered Users 146 Posts
    2weighlift wrote: »
    Yes, stats get reset. I do this to reset my team stats from time to time so I can better compare their progress.

    I mean, except don't you lose progress for insane achievements though?
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