
Weekend Event Tips

BourneBourne Registered Users 6 Posts
Could someone give me a couple tips on the weekend event? I'm not exactly how to build up a winning streak past 5-6. However I noticed last time when I went on a streak like this after my last win my streak time limit went up by 5 minutes if I'm not mistaken. That being said, is it possible to manipulate the time limits in such a way in between wins/games that you are able to extend the win streak even further? Thanks!


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    PierreMcWienerPierreMcWiener Registered Users 23 Posts
    Start a game, play until 8th inning and then close it (blue X, usually on top right). Then wait for the energy bar to fill up, finish the first game and start a new game play until 8th and close the game again. Now wait until the win streak timer is down to roughly 35 seconds and play the game you have open. After that you just need to wait until the win streak timer is down to 30 seconds and play the games. You can usually get to a decent win streak without having to spend gold.
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    Oakland RivercatsOakland Rivercats Registered Users, Member 193 Posts
    Patience and gold are your only real tricks. Wait to play a game until the timer is a minute remaining to keep your streak. Keep waiting until the last minute every game and you should squeeze a few more games out of that streak. After that, spend gold. Buy more games. Simple.
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    victorthigpenvictorthigpen Registered Users 66 Posts
    One thing I noticed. If you haven't paid to remove ads, you will get the option after you run out of energy sometimes to watch a video to get one more free game. If you do that, play the game, and then close and re-open the app, sometimes the video option keeps re-appearing and you can do it several times.
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