
Blitz game???

grantile123grantile123 Registered Users 304 Posts
Any one know what a blitz game is? If toy open the fan reward page it says on the top "does not include league, tournament, or blitz game entry fees"


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    NthndgrtNthndgrt Registered Users 6 Posts
    Must be a line they copied from tap sports football. They have blitz games on that.
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    IamWeToddDidIamWeToddDid Registered Users, Member 333 Posts
    It was u kinda play someone live, start on the 25 yard line, pretty much like college overtime rules, and you are wagering either cash or gold against another player with GLU taking their 10% rake
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    It was u kinda play someone live, start on the 25 yard line, pretty much like college overtime rules, and you are wagering either cash or gold against another player with GLU taking their 10% rake

    Hmm...not sure how good my guys would be in a red zone contest. Pounding Fielder up the middle a few times followed by a fade to Thor in the corner of the end zone might work, though.
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    IamWeToddDidIamWeToddDid Registered Users, Member 333 Posts
    I don't think blitz would work too well in baseball being you are on a 2 min time limit to finish your turn
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