
Collection player

Birmingham87Birmingham87 Registered Users 14 Posts
Anyone know how much gold it usually takes on average to get the collection player?


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    CheesemanCheeseman Registered Users 174 Posts
    I've heard as little as a few thousand to as much as 40000
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    TampaRoyalsTampaRoyals Registered Users 95 Posts
    Took me around 16,000 for Bagwell and around 30,000 for Trout. Haven't yet gotten Harper since I usually wait until I collect most of the free cards before spending gold on them. I suspect he'll cost around 20,000 - and honestly, if you're going to spend 20,000-30,000 for Harper, you may as well buy 10-15 legend boxes for that same prize for a chance to get a better player!

    As Cheeseman said, you can get them for cheaper (~6,000). I wouldn't expect you to pay any more than 35,000 though unless you're buying every card for 300 gold.
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    tobeblunttobeblunt Registered Users 23 Posts
    25k... give or take a few grand
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    Superapids135Superapids135 Registered Users 368 Posts
    That sounds bout right, not over 30kish (or not by a lot :)
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    TampaRoyalsTampaRoyals Registered Users 95 Posts
    For Trout, it took me 20,000 gold (200 cards) to get the final 50 silver. I had 1,000+ of gold and bronze, but I couldn't get the final silver. I kept picking the left card repeatedly over and over figuring that it would come up sooner than later...after 15,000 or so down the drain, I changed up my strategy and got it on another placement. Can't say there's much strategy to it!
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