
Any powerhouse clubs willing to help a low level guy out?

tonzs0420tonzs0420 Registered Users 2 Posts
Ive been playing this game for months and months, best player I have is 4.5 star, iam not able to spend my meager earnings on this game, even if its just a weekend, I want to play the game the right way. Iam a very active player, if anyone has a spot for me message me in head to head lmk user name is plymouthstreetcrew my team is 4 star.Keep smart *** comments to yourself, dont want to ride anyones coattails just need a little nudge in the right direction. You were probably like me yourself at some point. Thanks hope to hear from someone.


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    InningsInnings Registered Users 4 Posts
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    detroithrslugdetroithrslug Registered Users 93 Posts
    ur best bet is to join a random club and hope for the best. Most elite crews are already set up and arent looking to do anyone any favors.
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    theangrybuddhatheangrybuddha Registered Users, Member 21 Posts
    at your level you could probably join a pretty good club and not be kicked immediately. just keep joining clubs till you find one you like
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    MrFitPhillyMrFitPhilly Registered Users 49 Posts
    I tried inviting you but plymouthstreetcrew isn't found
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    tonzs0420tonzs0420 Registered Users 2 Posts
    Yeah I was in a **** club so thats what I tried today... only to contribute and be booted at least 3 seperate clubs. Are u in a powerhouse club? One of the clubs was doing some shady business where they let people join, and boot them after they put up some points. Thats so shady. Learned the hard way. Also saw people joking in the club chat about how they was beating someone buy a hundred with 88 rbi's all the leaders had a **** ton of points. Everything seems to be hush hush on strategy, if u wont tell your teamates then thats pretty obvious they are using moded games, to each his own but your gonna ****en cheat and be a scumbag and screw people over purposely. Games not even fun anymore for me cause its like trying to get secrets of national security. I want to be in a good club that helps one another out, communicates and doesn't cheat. To much to ask I guess. #underachieving
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    SHOOTTH3JSHOOTITSHOOTTH3JSHOOTIT Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    Join xman2. Not a powerhouse yet but we're trying to build. Active but need more players. I can't guarantee anything but if you produce you'll be able to stick around. We always finish top 25 at least. Just a tip...if you join make sure you do so when you can start playing immediately. We kick people that join and aren't putting up any points. We'll at least give you a shot and we do communicate.
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