
Logging out of google account

FdeckFdeck Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
Anyone else having issues with logging out of google.to switch to different account. I can log out of Facebook and switch to Google account but can't log out. Only way I am getting it to work is deleting app and reinstall it


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    StrikeTEAMStrikeTEAM Registered Users, Member 33 Posts
    Fdeck wrote: »
    Anyone else having issues with logging out of google.to switch to different account. I can log out of Facebook and switch to Google account but can't log out. Only way I am getting it to work is deleting app and reinstall it

    Yes I have had the same issues. When this starts happening to you, you have to uninstall the app. Once you have reinstalled the game it should allow you to sign in & out as you please. But be warned you will need to repeat this process on a fairly regular basis. Hopefully this should help you.
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    BRYAN323BRYAN323 Registered Users 27 Posts
    I've noticed that if I close the app from the team that I'm logged into Google with, I have to uninstall and re-install. If I log out of Google and return to my original team before I close the app it's OK
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    TurkSDSU2016TurkSDSU2016 Registered Users, Member 10 Posts
    I don't un-install, I have found that clearing the cache or app data works more quickly(at least on my android). When you do this, the game will open to the team that is not connected to facebook or the google account. hope this helps, I have that same problem randomly
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