
Petition to refund All real $$ spent on this rigged game Willful Blindness

mrthinkermrthinker Registered Users 3 Posts
So it has been suggested that everyone should petition apple and request their money back from this game as it is now (in breach of said contract) and broken to a point of deception where you were deceived into believing your actual dollars would give you imaginary rewards on an imaginary game, not a deliverable now. Yes this is virtual reality, however legally Tap sports baseball and Glu are now in a quandary because as their policy and legal e's might state they are clearly not delivering on their goods they are selling for actual dollars. So the contract is in breach and we can petition for all our monies spent on this game due to the fact one person is paying real $$ for results that others are getting for free / exploit / illegal. They are in violation as WILLFUL BLINDNESS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willful_blindness SOURCE here all, yes you are owed all of your money back people, every dollar no matter when you spent it on this game.

go get your money back people!


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    gocubsgo0128gocubsgo0128 Registered Users, Member 272 Posts
    mrthinker wrote: »
    So it has been suggested that everyone should petition apple and request their money back from this game as it is now (in breach of said contract) and broken to a point of deception where you were deceived into believing your actual dollars would give you imaginary rewards on an imaginary game, not a deliverable now. Yes this is virtual reality, however legally Tap sports baseball and Glu are now in a quandary because as their policy and legal e's might state they are clearly not delivering on their goods they are selling for actual dollars. So the contract is in breach and we can petition for all our monies spent on this game due to the fact one person is paying real $$ for results that others are getting for free / exploit / illegal. They are in violation as WILLFUL BLINDNESS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willful_blindness SOURCE here all, yes you are owed all of your money back people, every dollar no matter when you spent it on this game.

    go get your money back people!
    Wikipedia is never wrong everything on the internet must be true.
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    SHOOTTH3JSHOOTITSHOOTTH3JSHOOTIT Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    Wikipedia is never wrong everything on the internet must be true.

    I contacted apple support 3 days ago and they offered me a refund of all my money in 10-15 mins without even asking many questions. There are a few threads about people getting refunds from Apple on here. Just provided them the invoice numbers from my purchase history in itunes. No petition needed.
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    mrthinkermrthinker Registered Users 3 Posts
    Apple happily refunded me $25.96 after I told them the integrity of the game was ruined do to an exploit of gold. No other questions were asked, simply hold please... 20 min later, "ok sir you have been approved for the credit, you will see it in ten business days."

    AWESOME now everyone go do it, as there is no justification for being charged for anything in this game since it is now ruined beyond repair.
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