
Roster update

Prime9Prime9 Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
I know redtrunk mentioned that they had no plans on updating the roster at this time....but that was nearly a month ago. I am just curious if tsb16 will update the roster and if so, when? There are players that deserve to be 5stars. Any thoughts?


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    zerohero99zerohero99 Registered Users 154 Posts
    They're not going to update the rosters. Just give it up.

    I will be surprised if they put any more resources into this game now TBH after the happenings of the last few weeks.

    Many people got refunded thousands of dollars in total and anyone with a brain is not giving Glu any more money given the current state of affairs.

    If you read GlassDoor posts about Glu you can see that they basically stop supporting games they aren't making money off of.
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    Prime9Prime9 Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
    Yeah i only asked about the roster updates bc i dont spend money and i know that i wont get squat from the gold i earn inthe game. I hoped that maybe a roster update would improve my team. But i guess not. I think i will put this game to rest.
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    Bballer14Bballer14 Registered Users, Member 110 Posts
    I may not be far behind you. Still waiting for rewards from weeks ago that I lost during that major upgrade... And lost fan rewards gold credit when I had to force upgrade today. So basically spending money to get gold and get nothing in return or support. They are more concerned with these so called glitches and rolling out constant updates then upgrading rosters for the loyal players that spend money. I'm done spending money on this game, they can find another sucker.
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