
did latest update screw up the HR Derby slugger picks

YobagoyaYobagoya Registered Users 3 Posts
When you open 12 bronze sluggers picks that aren't better than the ones you already have on your roster you used to get a free silver slugger pick, but now it just gives you another free bronze slugger pick. Anybody have any idea if that's something GLU messed up with their last update?


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    Trainer BlueTrainer Blue Registered Users 41 Posts
    No. It was an intentional "fix" from about a week ago. Again, those who capitalized on it took advantage and left the rest of us to fend for ourselves.
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    zerohero99zerohero99 Registered Users 154 Posts
    Oh great so if you get a bad gold slugger pick it goes to 1/12 for silver slugger picks but if you get a bad bronze it counts for bronze now?
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    YobagoyaYobagoya Registered Users 3 Posts
    That sucks. I thought it made sense to give us a free shot at the next best tier (1 silver pack after 12 bronze that didn't make your roster or 1 gold pack after 12 silver....I don't know how they would have rewarded the guys spending on gold after they had 12 gold sluggers that didn't improve their team) of packs after we had paid for 12 that didn't better our teams.

    Has anybody won the Slugger events without cheating or spending gold to improve your own sluggers? I spent all of my gold trying to win Stanton in the first one. I settled for the 3 bronze slugger packs and saved my gold when Big Papi was the reward. If they didn't change the speed of the pitches every now and then, I think it would be much easier, but still difficult to be near perfect on all 120 pitches at each level.
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