
New Club

BigD51BigD51 Registered Users 25 Posts
Top 5 players from Daily Top 10 Team looking for daily producers for Club Invite. Let me know if you are interested.


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    SHOOTTH3JSHOOTITSHOOTTH3JSHOOTIT Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    I got a new club in 5th place by myself today looking for some help. Start a game with shootthej if intersted.
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    BigD51BigD51 Registered Users 25 Posts
    More than welcome to join us. Already Top 10 as well with just us. A couple of these guys put up hige weekend numbers.
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    SHOOTTH3JSHOOTITSHOOTTH3JSHOOTIT Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    Message me in game and maybe we can see who's in the better division and even double collect.
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    BigD51BigD51 Registered Users 25 Posts
    Top 3 yesterday with only 8 guys, Top 5 today. Anyone interested?
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    Angels 1961Angels 1961 Registered Users, Member 206 Posts
    BigD51 wrote: »
    Top 3 yesterday with only 8 guys, Top 5 today. Anyone interested?

    Sure. I don't do much during week except for bonus game event. As long as we get any win streak protection and I am able to come and go from club, I always put up 300+K on weekend event
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    BigD51BigD51 Registered Users 25 Posts
    Sure. I don't do much during week except for bonus game event. As long as we get any win streak protection and I am able to come and go from club, I always put up 300+K on weekend event

    Sounds good, we try for daily accolades but really focus on Tues and Thurs. Sending invite.
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