
Tbd recruiting

Ebomb27Ebomb27 Registered Users 5 Posts
Tbd is recruiting. After the glu mess up a few weeks ago, we lost a bunch of guys who were tired of the glu screwups. Now we are down to seven active players and are looking to add more who will be able to help us in our winning ways. All we require is that you give a minimum 300k on weekends and are active every day. Message DBONIKA in tap if you are interested.


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    whatamidoingwhatamidoing Registered Users 7 Posts
    Sent a message in game
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    R3D FOREMANR3D FOREMAN Registered Users 41 Posts
    Ebomb27 wrote: »
    Tbd is recruiting. After the glu mess up a few weeks ago, we lost a bunch of guys who were tired of the glu screwups. Now we are down to seven active players and are looking to add more who will be able to help us in our winning ways. All we require is that you give a minimum 300k on weekends and are active every day. Message DBONIKA in tap if you are interested.
    Sent you a message in game. 13 primes straight and my club is starting to suffer from the same problems
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    SHOOTTH3JSHOOTITSHOOTTH3JSHOOTIT Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    I'm looking for a new club also. I'm active everyday and up 400k last weekend on down weekend for me. Message me in game shootthej
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    Matt1nb7Matt1nb7 Registered Users 52 Posts
    Sent game, no response. Hoping to get in.
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