

Strieg3Strieg3 Registered Users 16 Posts
Would love to know how many people are either A: cleaning their shorts right now; B: headed to the device store to replace the device they just smashed; C: sitting dumbfounded staring at their screen while a bit of drool runs down their chin; or D: all of the above.

Amusing to contemplate this.


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    FiestaRedFiestaRed Registered Users, Member 97 Posts
    I ****ped in my shorts earlier but it wasn't because of this. Just sheer laziness. And because I'm lazy I haven't cleaned up after myself either.
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    Strieg3Strieg3 Registered Users 16 Posts
    Lol, nice. Funny to see everyone losing their collective minds here. I've spent money and time and was once like some of these people but one day it dawned on me....it's a game. One generally plays a game for enjoyment or as a distraction. If you are getting ****ed off etc then it's time to reevaluate things. Also everyone knows glu customer service is terrible and everyone has experienced their glitches and other nonsense yet everyone still gets all indignant and ****ed off when it continues to happen. Really people how many times do you need to touch the stove before you realize it's hot? You all are almost as amusing as glu!
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    santacruzhousesantacruzhouse Registered Users 1 Posts
    Sign back into your account under settings
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    Hosmer sexy timeHosmer sexy time Registered Users 46 Posts
    How does the saying go...?

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 25 times, shame on me?

    We're all collectively letting this happen. You have no one to blame but yourself for letting this happen to you constantly.
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    Strieg3Strieg3 Registered Users 16 Posts
    Oh and for the record, I recognized the problem immediately and signed in to my account. If you have played any kind of online game then you have had at least one experience of the game not recognizing your device etc and the solution is always to sign back in to your account, this is basic stuff here. Losing stuff is a risk in any computer game and has been since the advent of computer based games. Understand that I am in no way defending glu, I think they are one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with and I think they have taken what should be a great game and screwd it into the ground. But anyone who has ever played a game on any kind of computer be it online or not should know the dangers involved and anyone playing this game should know the glu isn't going to do much if anything when there is a problem.
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