
Walk Off Hero Glitch

BDavis914BDavis914 Registered Users, Member 18 Posts
Does anybody else have the issue in Walk Off club events that as your player is being pitched to he is starting his swing from the follow through position of a previous swing? Also, is it just me or do players bats seem to have no pop in late round situations? And when you have favorable scoring positions you get 6-10 straight unhittable curves or sliders?


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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    I have the same issue where the batter starts in he follow through position. It happened a lot in the 2017 version as well but it took the pitcher a few more seconds to throw the ball then and by then your batter was in the right stance again. In 2018 the pitcher throws right away and I have missed a lot of crucial hits because of it. It usually happens to me after a foul ball. Seen the same thing in slugfest as well but in that mode the pitcher takes longer to pitch so you have time to adjust.
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    sneezytacosneezytaco Registered Users, Member 217 Posts
    Saw something about this saying android users were only ones experiencing it. Cant confirm. 
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    Bizymoney12Bizymoney12 Registered Users, Member 215 Posts
    So far I have noticed it has been an android issue but can't confirm this is 100% accurate 
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    sneezytacosneezytaco Registered Users, Member 217 Posts
    New walk off event and still doing the same glitch.
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts

    New walk off event and still doing the same glitch.

    Yeah same glitch was in 2017 but it never bothered me then as for some reason it took a few seconds longer for the pitchers to throw the next one so by then the batter was in a correct stance.
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    elksteakselksteaks Registered Users 27 Posts
    Has anyone had an outfielder run through the wall along the third base side in walk-off hero? It’s happened to me a couple times and it usually is called a foul ball, but this last event they called it an out. Luckily I still won the round!
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