

wschamps7777wschamps7777 Registered Users, Member 10 Posts
Does anyone know the reason behind Glu making CVC an unfair reflection of your batter vs a (usually) 65ish pitcher?  It's like using a wiffle bat.  I mean...why?  Why dumb down the game?  Anyhow...I have actually heard that autoplay is the key to this garbage event.  Any suggestions?


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    LonzoBallinLonzoBallin Registered Users, Member 637 Posts
    Agreed there is no apparent rhyme or reason to why some teams are better than others at CVC. I have a very strong silver team at about 75,000 team strength. Another member of my club has a nearly identical team. We are both silver, we have both played/won around the same number of games, we have many of the same players, and our team strengths are about the same. When I autoplay, I got 0 the majority of the time. When he autoplays, he typically scores well over 100,000. Nothing about it makes any sense.
    Proud TSB VIP!
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    edited August 2018
    With the new update, my Silver team in a a Bronze club receives junk. Before the update, I could get nice prizes for winning the match. Now it is absolute junk, sigh
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    edited August 2018
    The C vs C event was a great idea. Then someone(s) decided to screw it up. There’s an old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it “ You guys need to learn that. Fine tuning is one thing but you guys totally blew this up, sad
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    SandpipersSandpipers Registered Users, Member 1,327 Posts
    The goal I believe was to stop individuals from jumping club to club and/or going solo in order to get the mvp/high round prizes, which were so good previously. What appears to have been the solution decided upon was to make the mvp/high round awards much more modest and thereby remove the incentive to jump clubs. Well it certainly has removed the incentive for a lot of people to even bother playing, especially if you're in a bronze or silver club.
    Many of us were expecting that the changes would work the same as the prime events where if you join or start a club during an event, your points won't count....not sure if that was done since the interest in CvC has dropped significantly.
    The other thing I've noticed is the significant lag and momentary pitcher freezing is now common in CvC just like in slugfest, which really sucks.
    It's all done with mirrors
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    jjkellerjjkeller Registered Users, Member 6 Posts
    Why am I not able to play the CVC event. Everyone else on my club can play but it tells me no events. Get your shit together GLU
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    bravesfanlabravesfanla Registered Users, Member 249 Posts
    jjkeller said:
    Why am I not able to play the CVC event. Everyone else on my club can play but it tells me no events. Get your shit together GLU
    There’s another update. You need to install it. If you already have the latest version, try a hard reboot on your device. 
    Tap tap tap tap it in
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts

    The goal I believe was to stop individuals from jumping club to club and/or going solo in order to get the mvp/high round prizes, which were so good previously. What appears to have been the solution decided upon was to make the mvp/high round awards much more modest and thereby remove the incentive to jump clubs. Well it certainly has removed the incentive for a lot of people to even bother playing, especially if you're in a bronze or silver club.
    Many of us were expecting that the changes would work the same as the prime events where if you join or start a club during an event, your points won't count....not sure if that was done since the interest in CvC has dropped significantly.
    The other thing I've noticed is the significant lag and momentary pitcher freezing is now common in CvC just like in slugfest, which really sucks.

    Thanks for that input. I have zero desire to play this event anymore, zero rewards for my effort
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    miggyrisingmiggyrising Registered Users, Member 162 Posts
    I agree with the original poster here that the gameplay in CvC could be refined. There's no reason why 200+ rated hitters pop up or roll over to 65 rated pitchers even when the swing is perfect.

    On the other hand, I disagree with those who don't like the new rewards simply because they now have to compete for them and aren't allowed to game the game.

    Our club had the same discussions I imagine other clubs have had about leveling up, donating helmets and gloves, and resetting our progress to potentially get easier brackets during events. Ultimately, we decided to just play the game without trying to trick the algorithms.

    As a result, we're a diamond level club and still see the amazing prizes offered previously. We've even seen a bunch of people want to join our club thinking they'll just run over everyone to pick up mvp and high round.

    Once our first guy drops a 450k round in the first 3 minutes, those club jumpers start posting in global again looking for a weaker challenge.
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    LonzoBallinLonzoBallin Registered Users, Member 637 Posts

    Agreed there is no apparent rhyme or reason to why some teams are better than others at CVC. I have a very strong silver team at about 75,000 team strength. Another member of my club has a nearly identical team. We are both silver, we have both played/won around the same number of games, we have many of the same players, and our team strengths are about the same. When I autoplay, I got 0 the majority of the time. When he autoplays, he typically scores well over 100,000. Nothing about it makes any sense.

    I noticed u said u played and won similar amount of games? Does that matter? Cause that is one difference i
    I believe that rank as well as number of games won at that rank play a large role in one's success in CVC. In my opinion, the less games won, the more success a team will have in CVC versus a comparable team with many more wins.
    Proud TSB VIP!
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    CvC is a hard event for many. We get better daily prizes than the ones now offered for actually competing for a reward. Why level up a club to receive what can be done all day long in WOH? I’m not playing this anymore, not worth my effort for the rewards now being given. But hey, to each their own, for those that like it, go for it, have fun! That’s what counts.
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    nym5fannym5fan Registered Users, Member 767 Posts
    I can't figure out a rhyme or reason to how CvC works. I can score upwards for 400k or I can score 0 using autoplay. Generally with manually playing I do between 100 and 14k. So I just autoplay the whole thing. The rewards aren't worth fighting for anymore unless you are in a platinum club or higher anyways.
    From Wentz he came, he shall be returned!
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    MISSREDMISSRED Registered Users, Member 251 Posts
    Its all logarithims decided before you even got to play it. Odds are BS in this game just like the stats. If the computer made you lucky, youll have success and likely stay and play on. If the computer branded you a loser in multiple categories, i think you will never be better then a similar competitor that wasnt cursed by computer decided logarithims. 

    Wouldnt we all love to just pay $15 a weekend for a top 10 box guy. Instead we believe these dumb odds that 1 in 10 buys will bag you a player. Yet im 0-14 or 0-21 (combined on my 3 teams) every week now just watching the guy who buys none be given 1 "randomly" as a free gift. 

    If you bust nuts and put in time and even money, we should have a superior team. But to often its all logarithims. Ever get stomped by a team yoy out ranked by 20,000 in strength? Me too. Why? Cause its all predecided and not evenly i may add. Some teams were destined to get Babe ruth on 1 try while others were programmed to never get him at all. 

    I think we could all manage this app better in the first 10 minutes of opening our eyes in the morning then they can all day. Its because its a hobby we had passion for. To them, its just work and a machine they need to figure out how to squeeze more money out of. Give 1 guy Babe Ruth, then a 1,000 others will get jealous and have to buy their own. Its a gimmick. The more ya spend, the harder your odds. Cause they know you wont stop till ya get what you want. 
    "If a man gives you his best, what more can you ask him to give".
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