
Odds for picks and boxes!

DOUBLEX2DOUBLEX2 Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
I think more people would be opt to buying gold and using it often if the odds for each box and pick were better. When I only have a 2.5% chance to get a prime player why would I want to spend 1000 or more gold on that? Am I the only one who feels this way? I spend my fair share of money on this game and wish I had a little more to show for it. I would love some other opinions on this.


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    nym5fannym5fan Registered Users, Member 767 Posts
    it would be nice if odds were at least 10%. 2.5% is really low and for the amount of money needed to have enough gold to buy enough boxes it is a bit skewed.
    From Wentz he came, he shall be returned!
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    SandpipersSandpipers Registered Users, Member 1,327 Posts
    And the 10% generated far better results than the weekend players box we just went through. ..just sayin' .... don't think we'll see any impactful changes on this however
    It's all done with mirrors
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    costellospcostellosp Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
    MONEY GRAB!! That's all this game is. I used to love playing this app till about a few weeks ago. I've spent money on this game trying to accumulate a better roster. I even got a few players from free gifts. Lately these free gifts turned into XP. I understand FREE and i appreciate the gesture. Now it has turned into where I spend money on gold and buy boxes to only get XP? Whats the point!? Customer service never helps me. They only "pass along" what I say (or so I am told) So much for me being VIP too because I really have not felt like it at all.
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    miggyrisingmiggyrising Registered Users, Member 162 Posts

    MONEY GRAB!! That's all this game is. I used to love playing this app till about a few weeks ago. I've spent money on this game trying to accumulate a better roster. I even got a few players from free gifts. Lately these free gifts turned into XP. I understand FREE and i appreciate the gesture. Now it has turned into where I spend money on gold and buy boxes to only get XP? Whats the point!? Customer service never helps me. They only "pass along" what I say (or so I am told) So much for me being VIP too because I really have not felt like it at all.

    Half of my club, which finished top 5 in the Diamond level and has multiple VIPs, has decided this weekend's event isn't worth it. None of us need xp or prime xp. That's pretty much all anyone who plays this weekend is going to get.
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    pennythoughtspennythoughts Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
    Labor Day is the second weekend in a row where I’ve already opened 10 boxes to nothing but XP. Where’s the fun in that? Never again. If the odds aren’t higher, I’m not wasting money/gold I’ve saved up for useless assets. Really uncool.
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